Chapter 8

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An hour later, Lissa and Abby wake up and smile at the person in the rocking chair. Lissa lifts her head and Abby sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Hey, McGee. When did you get home?" McGee smiles.

"Gibbs and I got here about ten minutes ago. He dropped me off and went to your place to get some clothes for you." He gets up and sits down next to Lissa.

"Thanks, guys." Lissa smiles and hugs McGee carefully.

"No problem. We're family and that's what family does." She lets go. "We look out for each other. Besides, Abby here probably wouldn't have wanted to go home anyway." Abby smiles.

"When she's right, she's right, McGee." They all giggle. Ziva walks over with a cup of coffee for McGee. He takes it and smiles.

"Thanks, Ziva." He sips it and sets it down on the table. He gets up and heads to the playpen. He kneels down and smiles at the triplets sleeping. Suddenly, Gibbs comes in with two rolling suitcases. He leaves them by the door and lightly clears his throat. Ziva comes over and grabs the blue suitcase and takes it to the guest room. Gibbs follows behind with the black suitcase. Abby and Lissa get up. Lissa wraps her arm around Abby's waist. They get to the kitchen and start kissing a little bit.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." They stop and look at Gibbs, smiling. Lissa and Abby move while Gibbs grabs some coffee.

"Hey, I'm happy at what you two are doing for McGee." He sips his coffee. "It would do him good to have friends around him right now." They head to the kitchen table and sit down. Abby places her hand on top of Lissa's and Lissa tears up.

"I think so too, Gibbs. I mean, I remember when my dad died and and McGee told Abby and I that we could stay with him. Siobhan let me cry and it made me feel good knowing I had great friends. So, it's the least we can do for him." Gibbs kisses the top of her head.

"The moment Abby introduced you to us, I knew you were someone special. I mean, whenever you were around and you started teasing McGee, I knew you two would have a sibling bond." They hear footsteps and see McGee coming over. He sits next to Lissa.

"Liss, I remember the day Abby brought you to meet us."

January 7th 2009

Abby walked into the NCIS office with Lissa. McGee notices the new girl first. He gets up and Abby introduces them.

"Lissa, this is Timothy McGee. McGee, this is Lissa, my girlfriend." Liss shakes McGee's hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Timothy." McGee smiles.

"Please, call me McGee." He goes back to his desk and gets back to work. Ziva is the next to introduce herself.

"My name's Ziva David." Abby smiles.

"Ziva, meet my girlfriend, Lissa." Lissa shakes Ziva's hand.

"Abby has told me a lot about you, Ziva." Ziva smiles.

"She's mentioned you a lot. I see how happy she is whenever she mentions you." Ziva heads back to her desk and sits down, placing her feet on top of her desk. Tony comes up, slicking his hair back. He shakes her hand.

"'Very' Special Agent Tony DiNozzo." He kisses the back of her hand. Gibbs comes up and head slaps him.

"Don't hit on Abby's girlfriend." He sips his coffee as he sits down. Tony looks at Abby and Lissa wide eyed. He releases Lissa's hand.

"I'm so sorry, Lissa." He backs away blushing. Lissa smiles at Abby.

"He seems like a real Casanova." Abby smiles.

"You have no idea." They kiss and half a minute later, Abby looks at Lissa with a grin.

"Lissa, I'm gonna head to my lab. I'll see you when I get home." Abby and Lissa hug then Abby heads to the elevator to go to her lab. Lissa looks at McGee.

"McGee, Abby tells me that you are an author of a murder series." McGee nods.

"That I am. Have you ever heard of Thom E. Gemcity?" Lissa nods.

"I've read Deep Six. That was you?" He smiles.

"I am." He pulls out an autographed copy and hands it to her. She opens it and reads the inscription.

'To Lissa. Thanks for making Abby happy. Timothy McGee a.k.a Thom E. Gemcity'

She hugs McGee.

"Thanks." McGee smiles.


Lissa smiles at McGee and hugs him. He hugs her back as Abby watches the scene. She walks over and taps McGee on the shoulder. He and Lissa let go and McGee gets up.

"Thanks again, Abby. You guys are the best friends I ever had." He heads to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water. Abby sits next to her wife.

"Liss, I know what we can do to help McGee," Abby smiles her famous 'I have a plan' smile.

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