Chapter 9

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Lissa rolls her eyes. Whenever Abby gets a plan, it either ends with Abby covered in something or Lissa embarrassed in some way. So, either way, they'd get the job done.

"What's the plan, babe?" Abby blushes, biting her lower lip, giggling a little as she stands next to her wife. She speaks in a low voice.

"I was thinking, we plan a surprise party for McGee and Siobhan. Just the team, they could really use this after the shit they've been through." Lissa smiles and nods, she always loved planning parties. Abby grins and kisses Lissa on the cheek. McGee comes in and sits on the couch. McGee looks at them.

"Guys, I wanna say thanks for staying, I really don't wanna be alone." Abby smiles her famous Abby smile.

"McGee, you are family and family sticks together no matter what." Suddenly, the triplets cry, McGee gets up. He takes a deep breathe before smiling. Abby goes with him to help with them. Lissa sits on the couch, placing a hand on her stomach and humming a random soothing tune. She wants Kate to get used to her voice, suddenly she feels Kate kick.

"Hey there, baby girl, mommy loves you very much. Mom and I can't wait to meet you though it won't be for another 3 months. Mom is so protective of us that we won't have to worry about anyone messing with us. I wish you were here now, because Uncle McGee could really use a cute new face around here." She looks up to see Abby and McGee in the doorway, Abby has her namesake and McGee has Donald and Leroy.

"You guys have got to stop sneaking up on a pregnant lady." She jokes with them. McGee and Abby set the triplets in the play pen, then Abby sits next to Lissa and McGee sits on the floor.

"Lissa, you and Abby have been amazing friends and even better family. I know I was a pain earlier but you know I didn't mean what I said." Lissa ruffles his hair and he smiles. Lissa smiles and looks at him.

"Listen, McGee, we became family the first time we met, you had the overprotective brother vibe, it's time to tone that down for now and let us protect you guys. We will help you in anyway we possibly can, alright?" He tears up and nods as he wipes his tears on his sleeve.

"Lissa, thank you. For everything. I'm glad Abby has you, I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. You are also a kick ass agent, the first time you worked a case, I have to admit, the way you took down the perp in the blink of an eye, scared me." Lissa tears up and lays her head on Abby's shoulder, Abby rubs her back soothingly. Lissa yawns.

"McGee, she's tired, I'm gonna put her to bed and I'll be back down to help you with the 3 future NCIS agents." McGee nods as Abby helps Lissa to the guest room. She helps Lissa lay down and as soon as Lissa head hits the pillow, she's out like a light. Abby covers her up and sneaks back downstairs, sitting on the floor with McGee. Gibbs comes in with a coffee for himself, a green tea for McGee and a large Caf-POW! for Abby.

"Thanks, Gibbs." They all sip their drinks as the triplets play, suddenly McGee gets up and stretches.

"I know I should be here but I'm gonna go check on Siobhan." Gibbs nods.

"Go, we got this, don't make me tell you twice." McGee's eyes widen.

"Yes, Boss." McGee grabs his keys and heads out. Gibbs smirks and sips his coffee. Abby scoots towards the triplets and makes faces at them and they giggle. Gibbs watches, knowing she'll be an excellent mother to Kate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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