Sleepless part 1

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Hey :) okkay so this is my first story on here and any constructive criticism is appreciated, just be nice XD. please comment what you think and vote is you like it :)

(p.s. songs on the side are just there because I like them and thought you might enjoy, however if it has something to do with the story i will mention that. any pictures i place are just rough ideas of how i imagine the people,so don't hate me for my choices okay, not that i can stop you from imagining anyone you want heheex)

(oh and uh, p.s. i'm sorry this chapter is soooo tiny, accident, but it honestly gets better so please keep reading lol)

here's a pic of Hannah, you know where it is .---->

-Chapter 1- 

So picture this. A witch, sitting in the back of a jeep, texting a madwoman,

Alice: ‘teenage mutant ninja turtles!’

Me: ‘power rangers?’

Alice: ‘ooh good one! you win :P’

Me: ‘I don't even get this game Al o.0’

Alice: ‘It's 'Best kids TV of the 90's', what's not to get? Oopsy, G2G mom wants help with lunch, c ya xx’

Me: ‘Bye Alice lol x :D’.

I place my phone back into my jean pocket and lent back into the seat in the back of my dad's car to look out of the window. It was one of those really crappy 'grey' days, where everything was one horrible colour and you couldn’t tell one thing from another. Those days always made me feel uneasy and lost. As you just saw, my friend Alice and I have been texting each other for most of the journey, half the time I didn’t have a clue what we ended up talking about, but it was good for a laugh. I could always count on her to make me smile. I sighed and closed my eyes to get away from the gloom that haunted the outside world and switched on my Ipod, Nothing that amazing to see anyway, just Fields and trees and oh yea, grey.’

Green day started to play and I turned up the volume to full to avoid my mom’s awful taste in music. My dad didn't seem to mind, but I had a growing vendetta for JLS and all other pointless pop bands. I just don't see why so many girls my age would fight over some posers when there are plenty of real 16 year old boys around. Well, real if you talk to them about ice hockey or food... whatever, I didn't particularly care that much for that kind of drama these days.

Anyway, I should probably tell you why I seem so depressed. I was facing that horror story that many people my age hope doesn’t happen to them. I was moving. I mean, I'd lived in Lyons all my life. Sure it was just a tiny town with a convenience store and a gas station for entertainment, but it was great there, plus having amazing friends like Alice and Craig helped stop the suckiness of the draggy days in 'Craptown'

Alice and Craig were fun to have around, but it's not like I wouldn't live without them. I mean don't get me wrong, they were great fun, always a source of conversation (Craig) and completely embarrassing and humiliatingly obvious at events (Alice). I suppose that made me the deep one? Ah well, whatever hehee. We'd been best friends since fourth grade; I had punched Craig in the face for pulling Alice's hair, then we were inseparable from that day forward. But I've always needed to be on my own more since I was 14, since the accident. It was nothing personal, I suppose it's just that I've always needed an amethyst or bloodstone crystal with me when I'm with other people, for calm and intuition, otherwise I'm more than likely to lose it and just snap at them

"You small minded outsiders! Can't you realise that there are things twice as important in this world than your stupid Iphone and who you’re seen with?!"

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