Sleepless part 2

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heey again XD so here's chapter 3 xx

oh um just wanna say thanx for staying with my story so long hehee, have fun x

Jess ----------------------------------->

I'll put Stacey next chapt xx

-Chapter 2-

"Seriously Hannah, stop killing me!" Jay cried as I put another head wound into him.

"How can a chick be so........violent?" Jess asked, shaking his head as he paused the game. "Snack time? Jay, I think this is your round." he said as he rolled over onto his back. He'd moved onto the bed about an hour ago, complaining that he was having neck issues, wuss! It was just past two in the afternoon now, we'd been playing Halo for around three hours in  Jess' metal-poster and art covered room. We are such nerds! Actually, the art spread across his bedroom walls was amazing. Dark, but breathtaking all the same. There were majestic ravens sketched quickly on A4 paper and oil portraits of people in pain in the eighteenth century  on the walls. Pastels were my favourite choice of tools but whoever this artist was, i had absolutely nothing on them. No matter how much free time I had at night. The things that he had put on paper were unimaginable, they looked alive.

"okay, okay. Hannah? halipino Doritos? or are they too hot for your pretty little mouth?"

"Jay, seriously? stop flirting with her. She's been here a day. jeez.." Jess huffed as Jay looked at me, I rolled my eyes and brushed my blonde hair out of the way of my eyes with my fingers. It was getting kinda old, despite how cute he was. Jay laughed a little nervously, obviously avoiding my gaze as he glared at Jess before turning to head for the kitchen we'd earlier broken into.

"Yes please!" I called after him. I looked around at the pictures again, taking in the dark scenes and blod colours, when I felt the bed move. Jess stood and moved around the it with ease to collect the remotes.

"like the art huh?" he said, looking at me looking at the walls with his orangey eyes.

"I love it. Especially that one, who's the artist?" I asked, longingly as I pointed my arm at a Large painting above his amazing smelling bed of a rose. It had a darkened border and the whole canvas looked splattered in red. The white petals of the flower were so thin and elegantly drawn, I felt I could touch it if I reached out enough.

"Uh.. me." he said simply, as he walked over to the TV and switched it off.

"What? you? really, all of this?!" I asked wide eyed as I gestured all around me. No way did he make all this beauty. He was too............ modern.

"uh yeah." he shrugged "you do realise that's blood right?" he added skeptically

"um yeah, isn't it obvious? I don't think even you could eat that much ketchup." I said sarcastically, but then i quietly added "It's beautiful."

"It's nothing great." he answered dismissively. How did he hear that? oops, guess I was louder than I thought, that's embarrassing....

"so where are we going?" I asked, jumping off his bed and to his side. He looked at me standing there for a second before grabbing his leather jacket and walking out of the door.



"Halloween costumes."


"dance tomorrow."

"why are you going?"

"It's a town thing."

"so no date?"



"I just don't like anyone enough."

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