Sleepless part 5

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-  Chapter 5  -

Calling a hello to my dad, who replied, very freakishly with a Yoda styled explanation of how my mom was at the new job she had gotten that had meant we had to move out here in the first Place and not shifting from the unknown location in the house that he was doing whatever he was doing in. I trudged lazily to the kitchen to make another coffee, stuffing my face with popcorn for the last or so had really managed to work up my appetite, so I grabbed a bar of chocolate from the cupboard while I waited for the coffee machine to revive itself. I really hope this new job means we can buy a new machine; this one’s quite literally dying. It’s not because I constantly beat it to make it work faster or anything though...

 I poured the magic, worshiped, dark liquid that I loved so much and headed back toward the stairs, with my Donald duck mug in one hand, biscuits in the other and chocolate in my mouth I ‘mmm’ed a goodbye to my dad, who replied with one, making me ‘mmm’ with mock irritation. My family’s so weird.

I didn’t need a cheap costume for this thing like everyone else around here. I had a short, black shift in my closet which I used for ceremonies and really important meetings with other witches, considering it was pretty magic looking I assumed people would just think I was some kind of evil pixie or something, doesn’t really matter to me anyway, I’m only going because Jay and Jess are, I don’t think I need that many friends here anyway, I’m leaving as soon as I get enough money.

Closing the door behind me, putting down my mug on the desk and dropping my clothes on the floor as I walked toward the en suite, I finished of the bar of chocolate, put on some all American rejects and hopped into the shower, swinging a little as I washed my hair.

I sat down at my dresser ten minutes later, drying my hair in the mirror. Time to be the most girly you’ve been in a long time Hannah. I sighed and switched on my straighteners, watching them warm up and nibbling on the biscuits I’d remembered were on my desk next to my coffee. Dragging the metal plates along my hair slowly and Adding hairspray to each strand, I worked my way carefully around the whole of my blonde and black head, squirting another dose of disgustingly suffocating spray every so often and pressing the red button on the straighteners before setting them down on the edge of the dresser to cool. Shouldn’t the red button have some other use? Like an ‘explosion’ button or something, ‘off’ was a bit..... Boring.

Adding the last bit of hairspray to my, now incredibly straight hair, that was falling down my back like a long mane, and singing loudly along to ‘I wanna’, I leant back, took a swig of coffee, and switched to my makeup, drawing on a thick line of black around my lashes that I curved slightly down my left cheek to make myself look a little more witchy, painting a swirly pattern delicately with the eyeliner pencil. Dabbing on some pale foundation and drowning my eyelids in smoky eye shadow, making them look, well, pretty big and beautiful in my opinion; I leant back in my chair to observe my work, slowly getting up and heading to the closet to find my shift.

Wriggling it on over my head and tugging it down my body, I smoothed out the silky, black material and slipped into some black heeled sandals, going back to the dresser for some jewellery. closing a silver ankle bracelet around my right leg and snaking a large, gypsy-style silver ankle bracelet over my hand, which decorated my left arm from my fist to my elbow with swirling regal patterns that interlaced and glinted in the light, I walked toward the full length mirror on the inside of the en suite door.

Gazing at my reflection, I studied myself, from head to toe, scrutinizing anything misplaced. My shift finished half way down my thighs, showing off my porcelain legs and, having straps, my arms too. It swirled around my stomach and hip, small holes showing my belly button and the part of my hip that showed my Wiccan tattoo. Just a five pointed star with a circle around it in black ink which most outsiders will recognise but won’t know the meaning of, but either way, the way the tear in the dress revealed it was stunning. Without me being vain or anything here, I was just saying. Adding some slight amount of body glitter I had no idea I ever had and dabbing on some unopened perfume, I gave myself one more twirl in the mirror, flicked my hair down my back, and walked out of the room professionally, only to run back clumsily seconds later to turn off the CD and grab my phone, smooth....

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