You Like Poptarts?

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Juliet's POV

I decided to watch " The Jerk Theory " to see if Shawn can take a hint. If he is anything like I remember then he sure needs to see how to be a perfect gentlemen.

As the movie is playing Shawn keeps laughing and yelling " TRUE " as the main character tells his friends how to act towards girls, which is really disrespectful and disgusting. Hm I guess it fits his personality perfectly.

I tried to keep my hatred ways away from this amazing opportunity to live with my best friend but Shawn just has this way of getting on my nerves. Plus if I keep smiling so wide my cheeks are going to start to hurt.

I put my hand out to reach for popcorn and unfortunately at the same time so did Shawn. Our hands met and he just stared at me as if he got a vision or was just in shock.

"Ummm..... You like pop-tarts?" He says with this odd look on his face. I just stared at him because the question was so odd.

"Uh yeah. The strawberry one are my favorite." I say with an awkward chuckle.

"Oh ok. I'll get some." He says as he gets up and leaves the garage.

What the hell was that?

Shawn's POV

You like pop-tarts?

What the hell was that? Why would I say that? I don't know what came into my head. I went to the restroom to give myself a pep talk in the mirror.

"Whew, ok Shawn. Snap out of it. She's a little kid. You're an adult. You're in college... Well not anymore... But she's in high school. Plus... I'm her best friends brother." I went to the kitchen to look for pop-tarts.

I grabbed the box and came back trying to act cool. I sat down next to Aaliyah this time.

"Here." I say while tossing her the box as if I didn't care.

Juliet's POV

I got out my phone and started to text Aaliyah even though she was right next to me. I didn't want Shawn to hear anything I said.

Me : Hey Aaliyah what's up with your bro ?
Aaliyah : I have no idea. Maybe he just wanted some pop-tarts but he didn't want me to discriminate so he asked you 😂😂
Me : true, yeah ok that's probably it.

Shawn came back in and practically threw the box of pop-tarts at me. I gave him this look of disgust. I guess he still is the same as when he left..... Too bad ..

* flash back *

"Hey Aaliyah who's the little boy you're hanging out with?" Shawn asked looking down at me.

"That's Jul not a boy!" She says hitting him in the stomach.

"Well what the hell its not my fault she decided to go for a hair cut shorter than mine and her boobs are like she's in the third grade." He says while laughing to himself.

I'm a freshman and I didn't develop like everyone else. It was slow so I had to go to the doctors to take estrogen and I'll start development soon. As for my hair, my big sister decided to chop it off because I ratted her out for sneaking out with her boyfriend.

"Hey, look at the bright side, you'll be a pretty cool lesbian." Shawn says while leaving and laughing.

* flashback over *

I despise him. At first I sort of had a crush on him because he was a star athlete and he was smart and I thought his personality was cool from what Aaliyah told me. But after that incident.. It's never been the same.

I look up to see that Aaliyah tossed up a popcorn and caught it in her mouth. She turned and winked at me. Challenge accepted.

I turned to her and got a handful of popcorn.

" 1, 2, 3, toss!" We said in unison.

"Tally how many we get and we'll see who wins." She says turning to Shawn with a mouth full of popcorn.

What seems like for ever goes by and Shawn whistles for us to stop.

"Well well well girls I- " I interrupt him.

"Good observation." I say while nudging Aaliyah's arm. We both laugh and he gives us this confused look.

"Um well the winner is.... Aaliyah with 32 popcorns in the mouth!" He yells while giving Aaliyah a high five.

Suddenly the lights turn on and were greeted by their mom. She had a face mask on and a pink robe with purple curlers in here hair. She had an angry look on her face.

"It is 3 a.m.! Go to sleep!" She says wile slamming the door.

We grab all of our belongings and head up to our rooms. I prepare to go to sleep when a note is slipped under my door. I unfold it and start to read.

Dear Jul,

I understand that you still hate me for my harsh ways back when you were a freshman. I know that I was a jerk to you and I know you probably won't forgive me but I am asking you too. We're living under the same roof now, so we should get along. Anyway, have a great night.

Sincerely, Shawn ❤️

I crumbled the letter and tossed it in the garbage can. I sighed and got into bed.

"What a way to end the night Jul." I say to myself.

What's your favorite pop-tart? Comment and vote!!!
- Alyssa 💖

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