Luke Hemmings imagine

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Summary: Luke and the band are leaving for tour and you're sad because you won't see him for a long time.

Warnings: swearing as always probs


Goodbyes. One of the things you dreaded and hated the most, and tonight you'd have to say goodbye to the most important person in your life. It wouldn't be goodbye as in a forever goodbye, but it was still a pretty fucking long goodbye- a 4 and a half month long goodbye, to be precise. It might not seem that long to some people, but to you it felt like a lifetime. Luke was preparing his suitcase for the trip, and you had been helping him until you started overthinking about how you wouldn't see him for so long, and how much it would cost you, so you went into your bathroom and just sat on top of the lid of the toilet for a bit, trying not to cry. What seemed like mere seconds turned into about ten minutes, and Luke was starting to worry something had happened to you, so he quietly knocked on the bathroom door, asking "(Y/N)? Are you alright?". "Yeah Luke, I'm fine." you said, your voice cracking a bit at the end. "Y/N, I can tell you're not by your voice. You know you can talk to me. What's going on? Can I come in?" Luke asked you all at once. You unlocked the door for him and he stepped in, kneeling in front of you. You were still on the verge of tears and suddenly you started sobbing, Luke wrapping his arms around you. "Shh, (Y/N), what's wrong?" Luke asked. "I-I'm just... I'm gonna miss you so fucking much" you said in between sobs. Luke hugged you tighter and sniffled, not quite crying but nearly doing so. "It's gonna be okay (Y/N), it's only 4 and a half months. We can do it. I'll text and call and skype, facetime or oovoo you all the fucking time, I promise baby. I love you so fucking much, we can do this okay? It's 4 and a half months. After that, I'm all yours. And you can always come with us on the next tour!" Luke firmly said, but still with a sad puppy look in his eyes. The idea sounded really nice to you, since you always loved travelling. The only reason you weren't going with the boys on this tour was just because you were finishing a job you got a couple months ago. Three more months of it and you'd be a free elf! "Yeah, that sounds nice... But I'm still gonna miss you like shit." you told him. "I'm gonna miss you too baby, so much." he said. You and him got up and finished packing Luke's bags. You spent the day basically cuddling and watching some movies since this would be one of the things you would both miss the most when you were away from each other.
Later that time, it was time to drop Luke off at the airport. "I'm gonna miss you so so much. I love you more than anything and anyone, please stay safe baby." you said, fighting back the tears that ended up spilling anyways. "I love you so much, remember, it's only 4 months and a half, we can do it." he told you. You hugged him for about 3 minutes but in reality it felt like only 3 seconds, until Calum turned to Luke saying that they really had to go. Luke kissed you and quickly sped off, looking back a few time to steal glances at you, waving you goodbye, you waving back, still slightly crying, thinking to yourself "Four and a half months. You can do this, (Y/N).".


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