Call #1

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"Is this the obsessive Sour Patch girl from the store?"

"Umm... Ya I guess. Is this the freak from the store?"

"I guess so."


"So why did you want the sour patch kids so badly?"

"... Woman problems."

"Oh. Oh!"


"Oh um... Sorry!"

"It's cool."







"So what now?"

"What were you expecting?"

"Us to become lifelong friends or maybe even lovers like those books on Wattpad."


"Its a book page..."

"Does this look like a book to you? There is no crazy author writing this and making it all up in her head. There is no crazy fan club shipping us together even though we just met. Its no happening."

"Well I know that."

"Umm, just IM me. My username is sourpatchkidsrbae."



"Well then."

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