Alpha male

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Mount Justice
September 23, 06:34 EDT

As everyone else is sitting either to recover or to think, Green Arrow set a bowl of pretzels as a snack for the team on the table.
"Thanks but no thanks," Wally dismisses.
"Yeah what we want are answers about Red Tornado and his siblings," Robin speaks.
"Exactly!" Wally agrees as Green Arrow turns to leave with the bowl of pretzels in his hands, Wally stops him.
"Leave the bowl," Wally says as he begins munching on the pretzels.
"This doesn't make sense why would Red Tornado attack us?" M'gann asked.
"You knew?!" Their heads turn to see Superboy grabbing Alex by her collar in fiery anger. "That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!" Superboy growls intensely.
"Connor, what are you doing?" M'gann asks flying closer to him.
"Alex knew we had a traitor among us, and said nothing!" he announces
Everyone's faces instantly express shock and confusion. The entire team looks at Alex who is now looking down at the ground in guilt.
"You knew?" Robin asks.
"I wasn't sure if it was true or not so I didn't want to freak you guys out over nothing-"
Alex gets cut off.
"Over nothing, that knowledge might have saved our lives?" Artemis angrily says.
"You almost died!" Superboy says to M'gann in sadness and concern.
Aqualad tries to calm everyone down.
"Enough!" They all turn to Batman who is narrowing his eyes at the team. Superboy immediately let go of Alex.
"With Red Tornado missing, the team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift."
Captain Marvel otherwise known as the hero with Solomon's wisdom steps forward with his cheery demeanor.
"I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys," he greets happily. Everyone looks at each with unsure expressions.
Superboy steps closer to Alex. Anger clearly showing on his face as Alex just looked sad. "After I dismantle Red Tornado, you and I are gonna-"
Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a League responsibility. You will leave him to us. I have another assignment for this team," Batman says. He pulls up a newspaper showing a picture of a gorilla and an injured mayor.
"Gotham Mayor attacked by Guerrilla Gorilla?" Wally sarcastically states.
"Was this the only thing he could find to distract us?" Superboy thinks in the others minds.
"Batman, please! Tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase," Robin exclaims.
"I never joke about the mission," Batman seriously states with a deep cold glare.
"I've checked the sources. I've studied the patterns. Mayor Hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents. Alex, you and your team will depart for India and check this out."
Alex just nods in agreement. Wally strides over to Alex and glares at her.
"Hmph your team," Wally scoffs at her and walks away. Alex just sighs sadly not wanting to deal with all of this now of all times.
As the team follows right behind Wally towards the hangar. As they are walking to the Bioship to fly for the next mission, they notice Captain Marvel flying towards them.
"You're coming with?" Robin asks him.
"Sure! We'll have a blast," Captain Marvel optimistically states with a smile. He then walks into the Bioship.
"Translation. He blames us for Red fiasco. Doesn't trust us," Robin secretly says to Wally and Aqualad. Suddenly, Alex appears in the corner of their eyes and stares at them.
"It's a big club," Wally says loudly as he, Robin, and Aqualad walk off.
Alex sighs and looks down at the ground.

Northern India,
September 23, 21:00 IST
As they are flying to India, the whole ride on board is filled with thick tension. Alex is sitting in the front, furrowing her brows and looking down at her hands in guilt and sadness. Superboy, who is sitting close to Kid, is glaring at her while clenching his jaw and balling his fists. Everyone else is either quiet or crossing their arms.
When they arrived at the drop zone, Artemis, Robin, and Aqualad attach hooks to their belts and drop to the ground through the hole in the Bioship. When they dropped to the ground, the bioship lands behind them and everyone else exits.
"All clear," Wally says.
"Switch to stealth, and we'll review mission parameters," Alex orders.
"Parameters? We don't need no stinkin' parameters," Wally scoffs as presses his symbol to enable his stealth mode.
"It's recon. We know what to do," Robin sternly states.
"Kid, Robin-" Alex says exasperated.
Robin cuts her off, "The five of us started this team because the Justice League was keeping secrets from us!"
"Or did you forget that, like you forgot to tell us about the mole?" Wally sneers at her, turning away going into the jungle.
Wally, and Robin wander around the jungle for a few minutes. After about fifteen minutes of strolling and wandering through the jungle, they hide behind some bushes. Kid Flash is searching the perimeter with his goggles.
"So do you know how we're supposed to find a mad gorilla in the middle of the jungle?" Kid asks.
However, a loud screeching noise rings in the air. They lift their heads to the sky and see a pack of giant vultures heading right towards them. As soon as they swoop near, they duck, barely getting scratched from their large, sharp claws.
"I thought vultures only ate dead meat," Robin yells as he throws one of his explosive discs at the man-eating birds. The birds are flying closer and closer.
"Yeah, these are some very proactive scavengers," Wally says as they continue to run.
"Proactive and super-sized. You thinking what I'm thinking?" Robin asks.
"Cobra Venom?" Wally asks.
"Yeah," Robin agrees.
"Cobra Venom in animals? how did it even got here?" Kid said while ducking when a vulture suddenly swoops over them with its claws pointing out.
"Looks like someone's buying some venom supply," Kid says.
The giant vultures left and right continue to dive in and attack them. Peering from the corner of his eye, Robin backflips to dodge a vulture flying right behind him. They managed to defeat the rest of the birds without any scratches. Giant zoo animals on Cobra venom was not what they were expecting on this mission.

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