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Mount Justice
November 5, 19:47 EDT
                About three weeks have passed since the incident and now we're all back to normal. Right now, M'gann, Conner, and Alex were unloading the Bio-ship. Alex was using her mana to carry the crates, Conner was using his natural strength, and M'gann was using her telekinesis. As they walked off the ship, they saw Batman, Zatara, Red Tornado, Robin, Wally, and Kaldur
                "Did you get everything?" Batman asked us.
                "Everything on your list, Batman, plus groceries," M'gann answered him. Wally ran up.
                "Cookie fixings?" He asked.
                "Snicker doodles," M'gann smiled.
                "Babe, you rock my world," Wally said. Alex walked over to Conner and Kaldur and started helping them open the crates. Zatanna and Artemis then walked in.
                "Glad you're back, Zatanna. Does this mean you're officially joining the team?" Artemis asked. Zatara said a spell lifting the crates and Red Tornado used his tornados.
                "I don't know Zatara's so overprotective I mean, just getting him let me visit takes a full day wheedling. I wish he'd just give me a little space!" Zatanna said.
                "Dad!" Zatanna yelled.
"Robin, can you search around and look for the adults, Zatanna can help," Alex said to the two. They nodded and ran off to get started. Alex looked at Kaldur. "How about you go check Atlantis and see if it's the same there?" Alex said. Kaldur gave her a thankful look and left. Alex looked at Wally, Artemis, and M'gann. "You three, gather up some teenagers and take them to the Happy Harbor school gym. Good place for refuge. Conner and I will go look around nearby for some children that can't get there," Alex ordered. The three nodded and left to do so. M'gann called her friends, Artemis called some of hers, and Wally did the same. Alex looked at Conner. "Ready to find some kids?" She asked. He nodded at me and we got going. An hour later we heard crying from a car. Conner ripped the door off and saw a toddler.  Conner got him out and held him. The boy then touched the insignia on Conner's shirt making them both smile. Alex walked up to them and tickled the boy's tummy making him giggle. Conner raised a brow at that.
"He's adorable I had to" Alex said smiling
          He nodded and looked away.
                "There's a girl nearby crying," he told her. Alex focused on her hearing and listened for it. They ran over and I found a girl about four years old with her ankle being pinned down by a pole. Alex focused her mana and used it to lift the pole up while bringing the girl out.
"Your ankle is sprained, but nothing I can't fix," Alex said to her. Alex placed a glowing hand on her ankle and muttered a spell her eyes glowing a quick pink color and after she finished she picked her up. Alex looked at Conner who had found another toddler. "Let's get these kids to the school," she said to him. He nodded and they got to the school.
                "Got three more," Conner said to our three teammates. We sat the kids by the others. Alex looked over at the group with M'gann.
                "Hey, can you girls watch the kids? The rest of us are going to look for more kids, just to make sure," Alex told them. The girls nodded at her and started playing with the kids to keep them occupied. We made our way to Mount Justice.
Aqualad came back and everyone suited up. We then focused a camera on Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash.
                "Attention, children and teenagers of Earth. I am Aqualad. These are my friends, Robin and Kid Flash," Kaldur said to the camera.
                "We are using Justice League's tech to cast and stream to every TV, radio, computer and smartphone on the planet," Robin added.
                "We know you must be scared and angry. We know with your parents missing, there's a temptation to run wild. But please stay calm," Kid Flash said next.
                "We will find a way to bring the adults back. But for now, the oldest among you must step up," Aqualad told everyone.
                "Take care of your younger siblings. Take care of kids who have no one," Robin said.
                "Protect them," Wally added.
                "It is up to you," Aqualad finished. With that, Alex shut the camera off and gave a small smile.
                "Good work, boys," Alex said to them. They nodded at her before they started getting back to work to find the adults. Once everyone was in the cave Alex said a spell "darkara dorokey aghosto" her eyes glowed pink and a map appeared in front of her with a red dot flashing.
"Coordinates locked: Roanoke Island. You did it," Robin smiled at Alex

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