Christmas Eve Raw Taping

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"And no I'm not going in to change yet....I'm too comfortable right now." I tell Dean.

"Okay." He chuckles.

"Same here." Cara says. 

"Awwww." Seth pouts.

"Oh you'll live."

"You can wait until a little bit into the first match of the night, since our match is second of the night. Just a little bit longer."

"Okay." He sulks.

It actually takes quite some time for them to set up for Raw. They end up getting all these Christmas decorations and put them on the stage and whatnot, change the skirt around the ring for Raw and other stuff. 

"Expecting the whole ring area to be decorated. Oh boy."

"Oh jeez."

"Cause you know they always go crazy with decorating."

"That's true."

It isn't too long before they start the show, and after the usual introductions and such, Jingle Bells is playing and 'Santa' appears with a bag full of gifts.

"Oh lord."

After going all around the ring, he's back by the stage, but on the floor. As he's giving out the gifts, Del Rio's music goes off. Ricardo appears on the stage and says nothing. Del Rio comes through with his car, beeping the horn and then hits 'Santa'.

"Of course the Mexican would be involved in a hit and run."

"Someone hates Santa."

"Very much so apparently."

"Must've gotten coal for Christmas as a kid." She remarks.

"I wouldn't doubt it." I snicker. 

"He seems like he would be that kid who got it."

"Probably did the Mexican hat dance tantrum." Seth laughs.

He falls to the ground, then a tree falls over on top of him. Del Rio sits in his car for a bit before getting out, eyes wide, and covers his mouth in shock. Ricardo comes over and starts freaking out, to the point of crying as medics and trainers come out and a stretcher is brought out. Then a 'You Killed Santa' chant breaks out.

"Ought to feel so proud of himself. But yet he's in shock."

"What a faker."

Once he's loaded and strapped onto the stretcher, they start to wheel him to the back. He puts a thumbs up, letting everyone know that he's okay. Since this wasn't a live show, and just a taping there really wasn't going to be any commercial breaks. So they just took some time to get 'Santa' to the back and to the trainers while Superstars and Divas crowded around the door in hopes on hearing good news, talking amongst each other, still worried. That's when Booker comes out of the Trainer's Room.

"Guys, I'm not gonna sugarcoat this, Santa's down. And it don't look good right now. But guys we gotta pull together. The show must go on tonight alright? Santa, he would want it that way. Alright?"

Del Rio then shows up and everyone just yells at him for hurting Santa.

"Now that's funny, they hate him." I snicker. 

"Hit Santa with your car and poof everybody hates you."

And then John breaks through the crowd. 

"What're you doing man? Today's Christmas Eve and you ran over Santa."

"Hey hey hey, it was just an accident. I didn't know Santa was going to be there okay? Everybody knows where I drive my cars, so technically it was not my fault."

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