Chapter 24 (The Beach)

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It was now Sunday.. Finally.

I didn't think that Cami can make quite a revenge. The following days after the incident.. Or should I say the 'trashing' of their café, Cami made sure that the Barbie squad will regret the day that they messed up with her. I didn't know how but she scared the sh*t out of the girls. She knew the things that they were scared of like rat, spider, worm, blood and even clown. She kept those 'things' inside their lockers or their purses.. Don't ask me HOW.. Only Cami can answer that. She even said, "Those were just teasers."

We were at Honey's house getting ready to go to the beach. The two of them (Cami and Honey) became very good friends too.. Besides, they were OK before.. No bad blood.
"Ready, girls?" Honey asked excitedly.
"A-ha." Cami and I both answered.
"Okayy, twins." Honey replied looking between Cami and I. Yup. We tend to do those 'things' that twins do. We shared a knowing look and both laughed while Honey just rolled her eyes.
"Alright.. Leggo!" Exclaimed Honey.

"Uhh.. This.. Is life." Cami said while stretching her limbs. It was a thirty-minute drive from our place down to this not-so-crowded beach.
"It is.. We can do this every Sunday." Honey suggested. Cami and I both agreed.

A moment later, we heard someone yelling.
"Hannah.. Babe! Where are you?" That voice.. I recognized that voice.. It's--
"Here, babe!" Honey shouted back. It was Calvin.. And he wasn't alone. His whole gang except for Tommy was here too.
I wanted to shout at Honey for inviting them.. This day was supposed to be for GIRLS only. Ugh!
"Did you.. Invite them?" I asked politely not wanting to sound rude.
"No.. I just told Calvin that we're going here.. It was HIM who invited himself and the others." She answered truthfully.
Okayy.. Now what?
I looked over at Cami and she doesn't looked like upset or somethin'.. Oh well.
"I see." Was my response still thinking.
Good thing I was wearing a hat, sunglasses and a cover-up or else, it would be very awkward for me having these guys around us.

"Hey." Sean greeted. He was wearing sunglasses too.. Like me and most of his friends. He was in red board shorts and a white shirt. Red.. It matched my red swim wear under my color cream cover-up.
"Hey." I greeted back. Then there was a moment of an awkward silence.. Well, for me at least.
"Wanna go for a swim?" He asked and just now I noticed that everyone's already enjoying the water.. Splashing here and there.
"Uh.. Maybe later." I told him. "Go on.. Join them." I encouraged him.
"Nahh.. Maybe later." Did he just copied my line? I ran out of words so I just nodded.
We were back to the awkward silence again under this huge beach umbrella.
"Those pranks Cami pulled on the girls, they were good, ha." He broke the silence.
"Yeah.. She said that 'those were just teasers'." I quoted Cami's words. He chuckled shaking his head in amusement.
"I won't dare to be on her bad side.. Ever." He added. It was my turn to chuckle.

We talked some more about Cami, school, their friends, and many more.
"Mind joining us?" I didn't notice Honey until she spoke. She was towering us since we were still sitting under the umbrella.
Sean and I shared a look and as if we both understand each other without talking, he stood up and offered his hand to me. I took it and was about to head to the water when Honey stopped me.
"Wait.. Are you going to swim with that on?" She was pointing at my cover-up.
"Why not?" I asked back. She glared at me and ordered me to remove it. So bossy.
I hesitantly removed it along with my 'shades' and hat. I didn't care if my naturally wavy hair will show-- Well, for now at least.
The moment I removed my cover-up, I heard the guys whistled and yelled some words of approval about my body, specifically my abs. Now, this was real awkward.

Sean was looking at me in the eyes as if in deep thought.
"Uhm, let's go?" I asked him. He nodded and offered his hand.
I took it and we walked into the water hand-in-hand.
"Are you, two a couple now?" Jules asked as he gestured to our still intertwined hands making me more awkward.
I untangled my hand from Sean's and shook my head as if saying 'no'.
"Oh." Was all Jules said as he joined the other boys.

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