Chapter |01| Pure luxury

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Chapter |01|Pure luxury

"The new maid is in, Sir." Lois carefully placed the warm cup of green tea on the small black table in the master's room. Young master William only had black and brown furniture in his room, the maids in the kitchen gossiped about the possibility of him being a vampire. This scared young Lois the more since she already was scared of his mood swings and panic attacks so the less she said the better.

Lois was the youngest of the fifty maids in the residence and was often pushed around with the horrible jobs. Nobody liked young master Will except Jenny who'd served his parents and had now retired and with her granddaughter on the way she quit to help her recoperate. Will had begged her to stay, he even offered her a place for her family in the house. She'd refused his offer which had left him in a more sour mood than usual.

Lois roamed her small eyes over the master's room, it was dark with all the curtains drawn together, the only source of light being the open lapton on a polished wood table. His bed was neatly made as if no one had touched it. His last week laundry was still in the cane basket beside his bed, Jenny was the only one he allowed to do his laundry and since he'd stopped talking to her, his laundry remained untouched.

"What do you think you're looking at? "Will's deep voice sounded across the room, scarring Lois. Her body shook with fear, sweat trailed down her forehead, she could feel the fload of tears coming. She cried about almost everything, her parents,the ants even the dead bird which lay in master Will's drawer. "Are you deaf? "She faced his bony back, clothed with a thin black button up top and black jeans. Black seemed like the only thing he ever wore.

"Y...y..ou ha..ha..dn't ye..yet dis...m..issed me, Sir. " Lois stammered uncontrollably, to her it sounded brave enough. Lois was a stammerer and it was hard to say a full sentence without stattering like a fool. That was another reason she barely talked, even when picked on she couldn't fight for herself without being laughed at.

The silence in the room was deafening, engulfing everything in its surroundings. "Well, Get out." He didn't shout, if he had the poor girl would have began to cry endlessly. He now faced her, his stubble was the same as yesterday and the day before. She would have said he looked the same except his face had paled further and red rims had developed under his sullen and sunken eyes. His hair was shorter.

She glanced at the scissors on the floor and the cracked mirror. Broken pieces were scattered on the floor. It had cut him already.

The short brown haired girl stepped back in fear. He saw her looking.

He immediately turned back towards the closed window, regretting his previous actions, looking at her. He thought himself repulsive with his thinning brown hair which had once bounced and shone brightly in the sun, his once lively baby blue eyes were dark and sullen with no life even his cherry red lips had cracked and creased with the frowns. To complement it, he'd grown skinny from his little hunger strikes.

The young maid bowed her head and headed towards the chestnut door. She once more glanced at the young master who had once read her stories as a child. He was dead. She pitied him, with all his wealth he couldn't live life content with what he had. He kept working and working for more money whereas she and her mother were content with each days job.

She opened the door for the old maid as she stepped out towards the kitchen where Rose had piled her load of dishes onto her and went to meet with the boys at the workhouse.

Jenny was a woman of few words and Will knew it so he appreciated every single word. He smiled at her and engulfed her thin frame in a hug, Jenny appreciated the gesture and wrapped her arms around Will.

"Treat her well would you. She might seem quite strong on the outside" Jenny whispered and lovingly patted Will's back. Her brown eyes met the dull eyes of Will's, placed a kiss on his cheek and said her goodbye.

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