Important Note :

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(update 08/10/18) okay so imma be really real with you peoples rn. I think that this book (along with all my others) are pretty shite when it comes to the writing but I just feel I'd rather put them up than to let them wither away in my drafts. If you see any errors or have notes or literally anything just point that shit out and basically do all the work for my lazy ass okay thanks sis bye.

Im just putting it out there that this book is terrible. Like, "how fucking high were you when you wrote this" kind of terrible. Like "you gotta fix this typo... Whoops, look, another one here" Kind of terrible. I wrote it a really long time ago and the writing is shitty, the story building is shitty, most of this book is derivative of the scorch trials (from the maze runner series) as well because I'm nothing if not original.

I know what you're probably thinking.

"Such high praise for your own book. Why are you posting such pure literary art for us?"

Im just tired of all these books sitting cluttered in my draft, and I did publish them a while ago before I took them down, then unpublished them again and now I feel like I should just be proud of my bullshit and leave it at that.

This book is also incomplete and I don't see that changing any time soon.


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