Time Heals..?

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Yo guys ok so hello i am sorry it is taking awfully long i have one word EXAMS! so anyway i hope you like this comment and vote and etc :D


She sat huddled in the wicker basket, under an avalanche of soft toys, in the corner of her new room. Her Auntie screamed an ear-splitting scream, as the large hairy hunting spider Ellie had hid under a mug in the kitchen, made its way up her arm.

The little girl laughed a laugh that no little girl of four should ever laugh.

Her Auntie stalked into the sickly pink bedroom and tipped the wicker baskets over causing the contents, and Ellie, to spill all over the floor "Get up you little brat" she spat dragging Ellie up but her ponytail. The little girl wailed at the sharp pain and clawed at her auntie’s arm, she let go and Ellie fell to the floor. "You will pay you stupid girl! It is all your fault your mother is dead, if she hadn't of had you she never would of stop with that pathetic excuse of a husband that was your father and they never would of come looking for her!" She screamed.

The little girl acted on impulse, she didn't exactly understand what the plump middle aged woman had said but she knew it was bad, she lashed out and bit the woman closest body part.

Her Auntie screamed out in pain as the little girl's milk teeth sunk into a roll of fat surrounding the woman's arm. She bit down and, as though she was a pit bull, refused to let go. She tasted the coppery taste of a droplet of blood and let go, worried that the tale her Auntie had told her was true.

Auntie’s face was a picture of rage. She raised a hand and struck it across little Ellie's head. Ellie let out a second cry of pain, alerting the person whom had sneaked in unnoticed. The person ran to the girl's room and let out a gasp of shock at the sight of a hopeless, defenceless, four year old girl being struck by her supposedly 'guardian'.

The gasp caught the attention of the two as they both turned their head's to identify the figure stood in the doorway. The hand's grip fell from the girl's hair, releasing her unexpectedly and causing her to fall down. Ellie blinked away the painful tears that were threatening to break free and ran to the person in the doorway.

It was her Grandma. She had come to see how they were doing. The little girl let out a third cry, not of pain but of relief. Her Grandma picked her up and took her to the car she arrived in, where she then fastened her into the safety seat. The elderly woman then re-entered the house and not 3 minutes later emerged with a suitcase. 

Once the suitcase was loaded the little old lady climbed into the car. Ellie's little lower lip began to quiver as she suddenly realised that she had forgotten Mr. Snuggles. Grandma turned around and smiled at her "Did you really believe I would forget?"  She said whilst producing the teddy bear that she thought still was in the hiding spot of under the bed.

The grumble of the ancient car's engine cause a whole new wave of relief wash over her, up until her Aunty came running out of the house flinging her arms and shouting "You can't take her!" Pointing with an arm that was decorated with a thin trail of blood leaving the, now-bloodied, bite mark. 

The outburst failed as it did not faze the old woman, as she continued to push her foot on the pedal. Auntie ran in front of the car "Please Julia move" Demanded her Grandma her voice soft and harsh "I'm taking Ellie away and if you contact the authorities I'll let them know all about the little scenes I have witnessed" She warned

"But you didn't see what she did... look the little brat bit me" She screeched gesturing to the bloody bite mark.

"In self-defence, no-doubt. I understand that losing your sister was hard Julia but I lost my daughter and you blaming poor, innocent Ellie is not going to bring Suzie back, nor is trying to mould Ellie into her" Her Grandma's tone was less harsh now and had become rather sympathetic. It worked as her Auntie looked regretful and steeped away from the car.

Little Ellie turned her back to look at the woman they had left alone in the road, and laughed. 

She laughed a laugh that no little girl of four should ever laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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