Hangovers and a mad Ross

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I wake up with a massive headache. I roll over to see a bundle of red hair in my face. Max. GOD DANMIT. I shoot out of bed and put on a pair of sweatpants.
"MAX!!!!" I scream hoping that he wakes up. He sits up a little and looks over at me.
"What happened last night?" He said in a groggy voice. A thought pops into my head. CHECK TWITTER. I pick up my phone and see about a billion notifications from Twitter. I open the Twitter app and see plenty of drunk tweets from last night like,

'Trees would make really great petss'

Wow Y/N such an idiot... Never thought I would get into a situation like this. I keep scrolling though my Twitter feed and see that drunk Red posted a picture of Max and I making out. I start panicking and I keep scrolling, more drunk tweets and more drunk pictures.
      "Did we do it last night?" Max says heading over to the bathroom.
     "Considering that we both woke up naked, yes," I say awkwardly. "Ross is going to kill us."
     "US? He is going to kill me. He is probably on his way over here now to kick my ass." Max says making me panic even more. I walk out the bedroom door to see the remaining trash from last night laying around the lounge. I walk into the kitchen, stepping over crushed beer cans, I go to the fridge and grab myself a water bottle.
     "You to were shaking the house last night," I turn around to see Adam with a devilish look in his face.
     "At least I don't have to clean up this mess, and Ross is going to kill Max. Knowing him he probably won't let Max even breath the same air as me again," I chuckle lightly. I slowly shuffle back to the guest bedroom. When I get there I pick up my phone and call Ross. He answers immediately.

"Y/N! I was so worried. What did he do to you? I am coming to get you right now!" Ross practically shouts.
"Can you not talk so loud you are making my head hurt. And Ross I'm fine. Max didn't hurt me in anyway." Right as I say that Ross bursts though the door. He storms over to me grabbing my arm.
"Where is he!? I'm going to kill him!" Ross barks, "Oh he's going to pay for what he did to you!" Ross's face is red with anger. I pull my arm out of his grasp an run back into the guest bedroom. Max walks out of the bathroom with a confused look on his face.
"What's with all the yelling?" Max shuffles over to me and sits down on the bed. "Is Ross here?" I slowly nod my siting down next to him. Three loud bangs come come from the bedroom door.
"MAX YOU BETTER GET PUT OF THAT GOD DAMN ROOM BEFORE I RIP YOU OUT!!!" Ross and literally broken down the door and started beating the shit out of Max.

A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter. I was busy yesterday... And go follow skirbye she helped me out a lot on this chapter.


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