Tommy's Finger Explains Nudity

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Tommy ran his fingers along the edge of a worn, weathered board lying beneath his window. So many people walking around in clothing and looking depressed. He thought. If I ran the world, I would make everyone run around naked all the time. Even in winter. He smiled at this last idea. There in the garden with her flowery dress hiked up to her thighs, bent Mrs. Slovak. Sweet scents of roses and lilies played along Tommy's nostrils. With each dig of her trowel, she created a hole big enough to plant one wonderful flower after the other.

"You'd look better naked than in that ridiculous dress," Tommy said, releasing the side of the wood and moving his hand along the glass instead. A coolness to the surface caused gooseflesh to appear on his skin. He put his face against the pane to heighten the sensation. I wonder if I pushed hard enough, could I pass through to the other side. Tommy's eyes squeezed as he pressed harder. For a few seconds, he thought he might make it. Then Flemwad appeared in front of him, breaking all concentration.

"I need to talk to you." The older boy motioned Tommy to the door.

"I'm not here today." Tommy said, sticking out his tongue.

Flemwad slammed a meaty fist against the window.

"It's important." Each word emphasized by a low, guttural growl.

"Ok. Don't get your panties in a bunch." Tommy went to the front door and opened it. Flemwad seemed so much bigger face to face. With a gentle push, the boy moved Tommy inside.

"I'm having a problem with this nudity thing." A short sigh escaped his lips. Without being asked, Flemwad entered the living room. "I keep wondering if it is even decent for me to go around without clothes." Tommy followed him to a large, black sofa. "I mean, I get it and all. The not wearing what man has made thing and choosing instead to wear what you were born in." Air swooshed out of the cushions as the boy's weight pushed the material downward. He seemed to be on the edge of tears. "I look at myself in the mirror sometimes. The way my penis stands out from the rest of my body." Tommy sat beside him, trying to keep from falling into the huge indentation formed under the heavier boy's butt. "I think it's something that should be hidden from others until it's time for sex."

Tommy noticed the worn jeans with multiple holes, Flemwad wore. In some places, dirty streaks of what might be grease stood out against the faded material. The more he looked. The more Tommy wanted the offensive clothing to be gone.

"I have something I think will help." Tommy went to the refrigerator and got a lemon. He placed the sour fruit in Flemwad's mouth and laughed as the older boy gasped. With each bite, a puckered face appeared. Soon Tommy was rolling on the floor unable to keep himself from giggling.

"Oh, my god." Tommy said, trying to get to his feet. "You look like my grandmother without her dentures."

Flemwad spit pieces of yellow peel across the table in front of him.

"Why the hell did you make me suck on a lemon?"

Tommy got to his knees, holding his stomach to keep from losing it again.

"I just wanted to see if you would do it." Tommy managed to get up and sit beside the bigger boy. "You are my little pucker face," he said, pinching Flemwad's cheeks.

To his surprise, wetness formed at the edges of the older boy's eyes.

"I don't get it." As the boy's weight shifted, Tommy fell in closer. "I come here to try to get your help and you make fun of me."

A small series of sobs filled the silence of the room. Tommy smelled sweat and despair coming off Flemwad's body. He wrapped an arm around the older boy's slumped shoulders and gave a small squeeze.

"Take your clothes off and I'll show you how to feel better about yourself."

Flemwad did as he was told, liking the feel of no longer having restricting clothing pressing against his body. He neatly folded each item and placed them on the cushion beside him.

"Ok. Now I want you to take your finger and place it beside your penis."

"What the hell?" Flemwad reached for his clothes. "You're putting me on again."

Tommy grabbed the older boy's two huge shoulders and stared him straight in the eyes.

"Listen to me. This is the only way you are going to respect yourself."

The words didn't make any sense, but Flemwad needed this naked boy's help. He put his finger on his penis like he was taking a pee. Tommy watched and started to giggle.

"No. Not that way, silly. Like me." With calm resolve, Tommy placed his finger along the side of his penis. He waited for Flemwad to do the same.

"Ok. Now look at the two and tell me what they have in common."

The older boy sat for a few minutes staring at his genitals and then at Tommy's.

"I don't get it. What do you mean?"

Tommy got up and stood in front of him. With a gentle touch, he placed the older boy's finger along the side of his own penis. Flemwad tried to pull away from the contact, but decided better of it. He could feel the warmth of Tommy's penis running along the edge of his digit.

"You need to treat your genitals as any other part of your body. A penis is made from the same skin as your finger-only shaped differently and used for another purpose. You don't have to be ashamed to show your genitals any more than you'd be ashamed to show your hand to someone. Everything was created without embarrassment or a need to hide them from others. Do you understand?"

Flemwad shook his head.

"What I am trying to do is show you how unimportant this part of a person's body is."

Tommy removed Flemwad's finger and shook the older boy's hand.

"You see the contact between my hand and yours is no different than the contact between your finger and my penis. Each part of our bodies are equally deserving of being treated as nothing more than flesh. When you go around without clothing, it's the same as being clothed. Only you are wearing the clothing you were born in."

Flemwad nodded.

"So when you look at your penis or someone else's, think of it this way. I've seen this person's face and shook their hand. Their genitals are no more important or different than what I've already seen or touched. I will treat all of them the same way."

As the older boy left, Tommy went to the refrigerator and removed a lemon from the bin. He placed the fruit in his mouth and bit down. With his eyes tearing and his lips curling up, he leaned against the kitchen counter and started laughing.

"Some days it sucks to be me," he said, through a mouthful of spit.

Thank you for enjoying my story. For more information about me and my other works, please search my full name Mark Alan Trimeloni.

Author’s Note: The way a nudist views the human body is different in most cases than what a clothed person does. Nudity is not sexual any more than clothing is. Sex is an act. Nudity is a state of being. Genitals are seen as a normal part of that body and my stories represent them as such. Made from the same flesh as your hand only in a different shape and used for a different purpose.

"I'd rather wear the clothing I was born in than something man-made."--Mark Alan Trimeloni

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