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I faded in and out of consciousness as the boys around me hurried to save my life. Their voices were hushed, but my head still pounded at every noise. I forced my eyelids open and watched their frenzy, to distract me from the pain. A man with short, spikey blonde hair spoke quickly into a phone and I managed to catch a few words. 

'Young girl... critical condition... yes....multiple injuries...losing consciousness'

My view of the man on the phone is blocked, as the guy who was supposed to be cleaning me up crouched in front of me. He wore a backwards cap and 'Brothers Keeper' was tattooed across his bare chest. I got lost in his deep blue eyes, which were filled with worry. He shook me out of my thoughts, as he placed a green whistle looking thing in my hand.

'It's for the pain. Take deep breaths through it and you should start to feel better' He instructed me as  he gently washed the blood off my face with a damp towel.

'I'm Jessie by the way' He smiled down at me. I didn't have the energy to reply and groaned in pain, gaining Jessie's attention who gestured to the whistle worriedly.  I took a few short breaths out of it, until I felt like I was breathing through a straw and panicked as my breaths became even shallower. The room swirled and I faintly heard Jessie shout, as Maxi came running over to clamp an oxygen mask over my mouth. Then the room went black again. 

***Jessie's Pov***

Sweat formed on my brow as I anxiously collected the medical equipment for the gorgeous girl lying lifeless on the bed in front of me. Her long brown hair, streaked with blonde was dripping onto the floor and underneath the oxygen mask, a small spatter of freckles is spread across her nose and cheeks. Reidy swivels slowly on his chair to face us, phone pressed to his ear. 

'Oi boys, the closest ambo is at a more serious emergency so they won't be here for another ten minutes. They said to do the best you can to clean her up for when they arrive', he exclaimed , before mumbling a 'thank you' into the phone and slamming it back onto it's holder.

I nodded and got on both knees beside the bed, opening the medical kit and studying her injuries. Her ankle was badly swollen, a purple-blue colour and twisted at an unusual angle. Guessing it's broken or fractured, I lifted it up gently with gloved hands and slid a pillow gently underneath. Maxi handed me a ziplock bag full of ice, which I placed over the swelling while I dealt with the rest of her injuries. Swallowing hard, I examined the mass of bruises and cuts all over her stomach, arms and legs. The worst cuts I slathered with aesthetic and wrapped a bandage over, leaving the doctors to stitch them up in the hospital.

As I moved up to examine her chest and head, Whippet and Chappo burst through the door, drenched despite their raincoats and breathing heavily. Hop handed them a bottle of water each and they both took big gulps before relaying what had happened.

'We... didn't catch them.. b-but we saw the c-car they..... got into,' Whippet panted, peeling off his rain jacket and slumping back into a chair. He glanced over at Chappo who raced to grab a paper and pen before he forgot the number plate.

'SKE-946' He mumbled, as he scribbled it on the paper and handed it to Hoppo. 

'Good job' Hoppo nodded, slapping him on the shoulder approvingly. 

As half of the boys turned their attention back to the water, the other half turned theirs back to the girl. Hoppo shook his head and sighed dramatically as he watched Maxi place a blanket over the girl. I continued to clean her up, as Reidy got a call to say that the ambulance was five minutes away. Since her head was the worst, with a long, deep cut and lots of bumps, I wrapped it up in a thick white bandage and wrested it on a pillow, hoping and praying that there was no internal damage. I glanced back down at her ankle and decided it should be wrapped and splintered so it was less painful in the bumpy ambulance ride. 

'Hey Maxi, do you mind wrapping and splintering her ankle? I've got to finish with her head injuries' I asked. Maxi opened his mouth in reply, but was interrupted by the girls eyes flicking open and a sudden, panicked intake of breath through the oxygen mask. She sat up sharply, before clutching her head with a croaky groan and a shudder as she stared down at her ankle that Maxi was working on.

'Hey, hey it's ok. You're in safe hands. Just lie back down, the ambulance will be here soon, don't worry' I soothed, gently grabbing her shoulders and lowering her back down. The head bandage had detached when she sat up, so I gathered it back up as she spoke with dry lips.

'What happened', she whispered hoarsely. I glanced over at Chappo who sat next to me watching, and we exchanged a concerned look at the fact she didn't remember. 

'Try not to speak, sweetie. You were attacked by some men, but the doctors can explain later. Just concentrate on sucking on the green whistle' Chappo explained, handing back the whistle that had dropped to the floor. The pretty girl looked shocked, but nodded understandingly. I took off her oxygen mask and she lifted the green whistle to her lips. 

Sirens wailed in the distance, and I felt a mixture of sadness and relief that they were taking her out of my hands. 

Hey guys, sorry this was kinda rushed but hope you like it! Please Please give me feedback!!! and any ideas for what should happen next please inbox me! Vote and comment x :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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