Chapter 10

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"Darlings, are you ready?"

Effie asks me and Peeta this after she was done asking everyone else to get ready. For the past 4 hours. We are currently backstage in our outfits. The only thing covering us are long robes over each of our bodies.

I nod. "Yeah. I think so."

Honestly, I'm a little nervous. How could I walk in front of all the Capitol and be live on TV for all the districts to see with barely anything on? I feel violated. And I haven't even hit the stage yet.

Peeta nods too. "Same."

"Well!" Effie exclaims. "Let me tell you how the show is going to work!" She flashes her gigantic smile at us and doesn't wait for a response. "You two will walk down the runway together and when you reach the end, do something sexy!"

I smile. "We get to walk together?" This makes a lot of the weight come off my shoulders. I won't have to walk alone.

"Yes you will!" Effie claps her hands and scurries out, leaving me and Peeta alone in the dressing room. I take a quick glance in the mirror. My face is surprisingly not caked with makeup. They did it a more natural look. I honestly love it the best.

"You look amazing, Katniss." Peeta looks me up and down, and smiles.

"Thanks. Even though I still have my robe on."

He laughs. Then grabs my hand. "What's the sexy thing that we'll do at the runway?"

My mind fills with ideas, but one of the sticks out the most. My mouth curves into a smirk. "Let me do the work."

Peeta opens his mouth to respond, but is interrupted by the announcement that the show is going to start in 30 seconds.

"I guess we better get to our place in line." I say quickly.

I grab Peeta's hand and we make our way to the slot for District 12. We go last since we are the last district.

All of a sudden, loud music booms and I know that the show has started. I see District 1 has started walking and, to be honest, look pretty good. When they get to the end of the runway, the girl grabs her partner face and gives a long kiss on his lips. Everyone in the crowd yells and screams.

I roll my eyes. "We'll do better than that."

I watch as the Districts go one by one. Some of them look super sexy, but some of them look like shit.

Once District 11 is about to go, me and Peeta take off our robes, revealing our garments. We look at each other up and down and smirk. We grab hands and make our way to the runway, just as District 11 comes back.

"Now, for our final district of the night, is District 12!!!"

We both walk out and strut down the runway. People go crazy. I hear whistles of the men and the screams of the women. As we approach the end, I give the crowd a visible smirk.

We stop at the very end and Peeta gives me a questioning look. I know what he's thinking. What is the sexy thing I was planning on doing?

I grab his face with one hand and start a full on make out session. With my other hand, I reach down and give his crouch a tight squeeze. I hear his grunt in the kiss. And that's when the crowd goes crazy. We pull away, smile toward the crowd and walk back to safety.

Effie and Haymitch and waiting for us, quickly handing us our robes.

"That was brilliant, Katniss!"

"Your reaction was perfect, Peeta!"

We both smile at them. But something else is in our minds. Something can be finally done now. We look at each other. I see the lust in his eyes and I'm
pretty sure he can see it in mine too. We know what we want.

WARNING!!!! the next chapter will be a sex scene. I MIGHT put it on private if it gets to graphic, so be sure to follow me!


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