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Upon my return to the palace i am met by a troop of guards, holding their weapons at the ready and they were pointed at me. "What is the meaning of this?" My voice has a sharpness to it as i does normally now. I felt like a completely different person because of the trials i had gone through in such a short time on this plane. "You are to turn to the Royal Majesty's presence at once, princess Declena of Elven Plane. Whether by force or by thine own will." One guard, tall and never casting a glance my way told me in a stiff, emotionless tone. 

I glare at him and his comrades before leading my horse into the corral, taking off his tack and leaving it on the fence. I had taken to wear a sword since becoming the kings assassin and i now grasped the pommel of it before turning toward the throne room.

The troop followed me down the dimly lit halls-even in the day the halls were dark-into the throne room where Motus sat upon his golden throne like a fat leopard. Stopping in front of him i grimace and bow to one knee before rising. "You summoned, Highness." 

The words were like acid in my mouth but i managed to get them out with out much emotion. The king looked smugly upon me and looked to his left. Adaam stood with his hands behind his back and straight looking at the wall next to the doors leading into the vast throne room. "Please," He motioned toward his right. "My right."

Glancing at Adaam, i step up onto the the steps where the throne sat upon and stood straight as a board beside the evil man. "Well done." He muttered under his breath. "I have an audience with someone i think you are interested in."

I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I Motus motioned to the door keepers and one left and returned with a tall, long blonde haired man.

"Welcome," Mortus stood with a flourish. "Crown Prince Bartok of the Elven Plane."


Bartok's POV


At first i didn't recognize Declena because of her dark clothes, the fact that she was wearing breaches and a shirt and boots instead of her normal dresses or robes. I hadn't seen her in such clothing since we were children. And the fact that she was wearing a sword. When i lifted my head to her, i saw her mouth open in a 'O' and her eyes widened in fear.


She was scared of something.

I turn my gaze to the king reluctantly. "Thank you, King Mortus of The Human Plane. I have journeyed far to see thy land."

Declena glanced at the king and then her gaze rushed over me before finding a spot on the wall behind me and staying there.

Fine then.

"Tell me," Mortus cast a glance at Declena. "Young Prince, why have you sought an audience with me?" I clear my throat and loosen my cloak. Then i cast a glance at Declena's hard face. "I actually did not come here for you."


Mortus's nostrils flare and he breaths deeply. "Then, whom are you seeking, Elf?" I feel my own temper starting to flare but i calmed myself enough to open my my mouth but before i could get out a sound Declena spoke. "Highness, I summoned him. I felt alone and missed my friend so i asked him here." she spoke without her eyes leaving the wall.

The sound of her silky voice made the familiar feeling dance around my insides. Mortus's head snapped in her direction angrily. "You did what?" He spit in her face and she winced. My hand found its way to my sword and i began to pull it out but Declena shot me a warning look. She swallowed and her hand rested on her blade. "It is my fault he is here. I asked him to visit."

Mortus leaned even closer to her and he breathed into her ear something that i couldn't hear and i saw he face pale but she simply nodded and swallowed. Suddenly the man on the other side of Mortus spoke. "Sire, he could be of some help. My trainee could use a new sparing partner while i am on business." Mortus continued to glare at Declena but slowly stood and placing a hand on his bearded chin and stroked it cooly. "Very well."

He turned back to me and saw that my hand still rested on my blade and his lip curled up in disgust. "You are welcome to be a guest for the short time my High Assassin is gone."

Assassin. I look at Declena and i see her eyes are moist, she licks her lips and thanks Mortus. Stepping down from the dais she grabs my arm, "Follow me," She grits out and leads me out of the throne room. When we are out in the hall, alone, I turn and pull her against me in a hug. She melts into my arms and holds me in return. We are quite for a while and just hold each other, rocking from side to side. "What are you doing here, Bartok?" She finally asks, breaking the silence. I breath deeply, taking in the scent of her hair which smells of horses and sweat. Oddly it smells like her very much so. When we were children we would often hide and play in the stables and i would see her on her horse riding away so as not to ever be found by me. 

"I came for you."

"You know i can't come back."

"Yes! Yes you can, Declena!"

"No." She pulls away and turns her back to me. 


Her shoulders begin to shake and her head bows. Confused i walk to the front of her and put my hands on her dark shoulders. "Declena. . . What is wrong?" She shakes her head and wipes away her tears. "I'm a murderer, Bartok. I killed two of Mortus's soldiers and i am going have to kill innocent people because i have no choice. And when i am not the one holding the bloodied weapon my choices will."

"What do you mean?"

I hear her teeth grind and when she speaks it is like a viper before it strikes. "Because i'm an assassin."

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