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After i had recovered enough from the news-just barely-i led Bartok to his guest quarters. Which were conveniently across the hall from mine. "I'm sorry, Declena."

"I don't want to talk about it."


"No." I left him to do what was needed.

I crossed the hall to my room and slammed one of the doors shut then i flung myself onto my bed. Father and mother. I guess no since i'm unmarried i am considered an orphan. Huh, didnt see life throwing that at me.

There was a knock at my door and Lodin entered. "Don't you know its rude to walk in on ladies without their permission?"

He swallowed. "Well, Declena, I wasn't even sure you would be in here since you're husband was here."

Confusion ran thru me. "My husband?"

"Yes. The crown prince Bartok."

"Oh!" I blushed. "He's actually not my husband. Or gentleman. He is a friend from my childhood." I was very grateful that Bartok was not here to witness this ordeal. It was Lodin's turn to blush. "Oh!" He looked around desperately. "I just thought since i saw you two hugging and kissing that you were, um. . .Well never mind. Ugh! This is embarrassing." He turned and started to leave. "No, Lodin. It is fine. You are not the first to think we are a couple. Please, what is it you wanted me for?" Lodin turned back to face me still red.

"Well i was hoping to discuss important matters with you."

"Well what kind of 'important matters'?"

Lodin cocked his head at me. "You know. Matters concerning my father."

Oh. Those sort of matters.

I glanced around my room. "Uh, well, Lodin. . . How would i be of help to you? I mean i cant even win a fight with him, let alone murder him in his own castle."

"Its my castle too. And i'll have you know i have only won two arguments with my father."

"Well that certainly helps our confidence levels."

"Thought it would." He smirked came closer to me. "I ask you because you know the risks of this and you would risk you're life in order to save those of you're kingdom."

"So what? How does that help you take down you're father?" I was beginning to get annoyed. I already wasn't in the most stable mood right now. "So you know we have too."

"Who ever said this was a "we"?" 

"Declena! Please!"

"Lodin, i dont think i will be of any help. I've never fought in a war. I've only ever fought someone in training and if you count the two men of your's i killed when you're father invaded my kingdom." Lodin sat next to me and i stood. "Please, Clena." He put his hands together. "I'm begging you too help." He pleaded. I just rolled my eyes. "No, Lodin. I cant risk the lives of those children anymore than i have." Lodin looked devastated. He looked away from me and began to play with his sword hilt. "Well," He sighed and stood. "As you wish, milady." He turned and began to leave my room but turn at the door and said, "I hope you will not be hungry tonight at my sisters birthday ball. She tends to poison people she doesn't like."

Then he left the room.

"What ball?" I hadn't heard anything about a ball. The thought of a ball reminded me of dresses and that i haven't been in a dress for over a week and i didn't really miss it. 



A picture of king Lytree (Declena's father)

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