Vampire slash Princess chapter 1 (pic of Ian)

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"Princess wake up", A unfamiliar voice said.

"Who are you and why are you in my room", I asked not bothering to open my eyes.

"I'm your new guard and i was sent to wake you up, princess", The guard said with a hint of annoyance i suspect.

"Does my dad know your mocking his nickname for me", I asked slightly amused of what his answer might be.

"Just upset that you wont get dressed for our date" He said with a fake sigh. and with that I sat up.

"Now how do you know I would date a old-", I opened my eyes not daring to finish my sentence as the cutest and most annoying guy ever look at me in mocked confusion and a smug grin.

"As you were saying, princess", He said urging me to continue with a innocent look.

"Your my guard", I squeaked. He just nodded.

"But why? Your not-. Your just-", I could not finish my sentence, this was just too much.

"A kid ", he suggested. I just nodded, I couldn't speak. I was mortified.

"Aw come on I'm the same age as you no younger", He pouted.

"Your enjoying this a little too much", I said. he just laughed like a mad man.

"C'mon princess we gotta get to school", he said and i realised he wasn't wearing a guard uniform thingy he was wear blue jeans, running shoes and a fitted t-shirt.

"Stop calling me princess and you are not going to school with me", I said crossing the room and going to my closet door and folding my arms.

"Uh yeah i am so get used to it", He said. He really is going to take this seriously.


Please Lord, don't let school be horrible. Please don't let this guy embarrass me. PLEASE. Please don't let this guy embarrass me.

Well at least the morning is clear and beautiful. Claire, Jessie and Jessica should be at school. I'll be ok and he has to go to class too so I wont be seeing much of him. I hope.

"We're here. C'mon, princess", He whispered that last part in my ear. The annoying weasel.

"Alex!",Jessica screamed running at me in a half sprint Jessie following close.

"Relax", I said almost picturing him drop kicking Jessica.

"Hey what took you so long. This guy was flirting with me and oh my god he is so...", and that's when Jessica saw my "guard" whats his face.

"Hey Alex", said the ever so confident Jessie. He's really sweet and great at everything just cocky sometimes.

"Hi Jessie, Hey Jessica", i said trying to ignore the annoying guy whose name i have yet to learn.

"Hello I'm Jessica and you are", Jessica asked batting her eye lashes like crazy.

"I'm Ian", He said casually and just as flirty. Makes me wanna puke.

I tried to hold in my sigh of relieve when I told Jessica and Jessie that we have to go. I grabbed both their arms and hurried towards the schools.

"Hey wait for me", Ian said walking towards us at a impossible speed. Ugh why cant he just go to class and be done with it. Find his own directions.

"Alexandria you cant leave me here by myself", He said giving me the puppy dog eyes and when somebody called Jessie and Jessica he gave me a wink. I gasped slightly and let go of Jessica and Jessie and speed walked to class. He is so trying to kill me. That's it, he's going to kill me with his boyish charm and dazzling smile and ... No i will not like him.

"Alexandria lets go. The bell already sounded.", Ian said.

Class was ok surprisingly. Ian sat next to me but he barely talked to me and is actually very smart even helped me understand the basic ways to remember energy.

"Chemistry is a science, which means its procedures are systematic and reproducible and its hypotheses are tested using the scienific method. Energy means to do work. Even with the the different types of energy it still means to do work", he said slowly making sure i understood and when he was finished i started to get it.

"What are the different kinds of energy", I asked pretty sure that it would show up on a test or quiz.

He smiled and counted them off with his hands which seemed soft strong and gentle. They look big. I wonder how much bigger than mine...

"So do you get it", He asked and I could see that he really was trying to help and loved chemistry. I really was trying too, its just that at that moment i felt clueless to what he had just said.

"Sorry could you explain that one more time please", i asked really wanting to know what was the different types of energy. I knew that he would explain it again by the way he just jumped into it and started again.

"Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Light, Sound, and Nuclear energy. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. Potential energy is that energy which an object has because of its position. It is called potential energy because it has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy".

"Like Kinetic energy".

"Right. Light energy is like solar power energy. Sound is like the vibrations of volume that you hear through speakers. Nuclear energy is what we use to generate power. Nuclear energy is produced naturally and in man-made operations under careful watch and control of course. The Sun and other Stars make heat and light by nuclear reactions. Nuclear energy is produced in two different ways, in one: large nuclei are split to release energy. Or small nuclei are combined to release energy", he explained with flushed cheeks. After our lesson three things had happened. 1. We were leaning towards each other and nearly whispering. 2. class was over. 3. the teacher was walking toward us probably to ask us to leave.

"Having fun conversating in my class", Mr.Wilkins asked snottily. Ugh so not my favorite teacher.

"I didnt get the energy lesson and Ian was just explaining the different types of energy to me", i said looking innocent and holding in my laughter at Mr.Wilkins face.

"I didnt even get to different types of energy yet", he said looking taken aback.

"At my old school I was in advanced placement", Ian said gather his things and standing. I gathered my things too and walked to Claire, Jessica, and Jessie. Both of the twins looked upset but Jessica was first to recover.

"Did y'all get in trouble", Claire asked worriedly and eyed Ian like he had made her hit list. As if they had practiced Jessica locked arms with me on the side that Ian had been, Claire told hold of my other and Jessie walked slightly behind us. Totally leaving Ian behind and out of my sight.

In my next class I sat near the back to the window behind Ashley and her crew. Claire sat on one side of me while Jessie and Jessica sat on the other end and Ian sat behind me next to Aaron and Sage. Seeing as the teacher would not be here for half the class I turned around and sat on Sage's desk and laughed when she made a disgusted face. She attemped to push me off but I was way stronger than I looked. Aaron laughed too and made funny faces. Childish but very funny. Aaron was trying to talk to Ian but he was zoning out. I wonder what he thinking about.

"Whatcha thinking about", I asked turning his way. I leaned forward and tapped on his forehead. He jumped a little and his head hit mine.

"Oh sorry", He answered with an apologetic smile.

"Real smooth Ian", I smiled back and then felt like for a moment I couldn't breath. This boy is really beautiful. I mean I thought he was cute before but he is beautiful. The way his eyes sparkled when-HOLD UP. OH NA UH. NO. I AM NOT CRUSHING ON THIS GUY. END. OF. STORY.

I turned around and sat in my seat facing forward. I crossed my arms and huffed. Claire gave me a questioning look but I just shook my head.

I don't like my body guard and I don't have a crush on him.

I don't even like brown eyes and dimples. So unattractive...

This BitesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora