Chapter 2: Pay Back

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When I got home all of the children came out of their rooms and greeted us and ask who Ian is except two of my little cousins and their friends who studied him intently. They seemed to read his mind or put him to a test that he had unknowingly taken and passed. But whatever it was it seemed that he has the seal of approval because they actually talked to him and Melinda was smiling!

"Hi, im mel and this is lil Toni, Amaya and Eddy", Mel introducing herself and her close group of friends. Shes like a little me. Mel came here after her family was in a car accident.

"Im Ian", he said kneeling on one of his knees and kissing her and maya's hand. Then shaking lil toni's and ed's hand.

"You dont have to do that, Im not a princess or anything", Mel said.

"Your a princess to me", i replied automatically.

"Yeah. Plus you have that princess something", he agreed.

"Princess something. Really", She asked in a disbelieving voice.

"Yup", He replied with a grin seeming happy with his answer.

"Thanks", She accepted his answer. She would usually go back and forth with me if I said she was a princess.

"C'mon Ezzy made snacks. She said we couldnt have them till you all got home", Lil toni said pushing us all forward.

"Ok Ok we're going", i said. I could smell the peach and chamomile tea and chocolate chip cookies.

"Ok when ya'll are finished we are going to the park for a bit so hurry up and wash your hands bye bye", Ezzie said then left out to kitchen to let us do what we do best... MESS UP THE KITCHEN!!! Sooo much fun.


"Ahhhhh", I sighed. Messing up the kitchen sure is fun. I just don't like cleaning it.

Ian just stood there in the middle of the mess covered in food and juice.

"What the heck just happened", Ian said slowly looking at his arms which were covered in food.

"Well think of it as a welcoming present", I said standing up and forcefully patting the only clean space on his body: his back.

Then I leaned in closer and whispered in his ear, " Plus it's pay back for waking me up so early ".

I turned and saw that the kids were either dead on their feet or slumped in their seats.

I sighed and clapped my hands twice, effectively drawing their attention to me.

Looks like I'll be cleaning alone.

"Ok listen up you sea biscuits. I want all of you to brush those teeth and wash your faces and to take a bath because you all smell like rotten eggs. Oh and come to my room and I'll tell a story", I said imitating a pirates voice and holding my nose, making me sound funny.

They all skipped away no longer sleepy.


All the children sat on the carpet in front of my bed while I sat on the bed ready to read them the egyptian story of "The Doomed Prince".

"There was once a king who was sore in heart because no son had been born to him. He prayed the gods to grant his desire, and they decreed that as he had prayed, so it should be. And his wife brought forth a son.When the Hathors came to decide his destiny they said, "His death shall be by the crocodile, or by the serpent, or by the dog." And those who stood round, upon hearing this, hurried to tell the king, who was much grieved thereat and feared greatly.", I read and looked up at the kids who were hanging on to everything I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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