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"Oy Shailene! Come here for a sec," coach called out. I ran towards him and I feel like I'm gonna be scolded, again.

"Y-yes, sir?" Are  you gonna tell me to improve this, improve that, huh?

"Great job! The routines are being executed nicely now! Well done, team captain!" he said while he winked at me. That was gross and creepy. If he had looks, I probably won't mind you winking at me.

"T-thanks, sir! I'm glad you've seen the results of our training!" I said, well, forced to say because if I don't reply nicely, he'll surely lecture me again.  "Okay, continue your training now," he said.

God, he's a pain in the ass, I swear.  

I passed by the gym and saw Jay practicing his spikes. "HAH!" he huffed out. "Nice kill, Jay!" their captain exclaimed. "One more!" Jay yelled. His biceps were soaking wet from sweat. His wet-look hair is also drenched with his sweat. Sigh, that's why I love this guy.

It's not of his physical appearance that I fell in love with. It's his personality. He's loyal, determined, loving, caring, supportive, and active. He's handsome too, alright. Unfortunately, the feelings aren't mutual. I sighed and went to training. 

After an hour, we took a break. "Hey, Shai! Wanna go to the cafeteria?" Coleen, my friend, asked. "O-oh sure! I'll just get my purse from my bag!" I said. I went to get my bag and reached for my purse. "U-uh, what? Where the hell did it go?" I said worriedly because it seems I can't see it in my bag. At the classroom! I must have left it in my desk! I ran upstairs and dashed through the corridor. Ahead of me, I saw Mae carrying a pile of documents. "Mae!" I yelled. She got startled and she almost dropped the documents. "S-Shai? Is that you?" she replied. "Yes it's me, you silly! Where are you gonna bring those documents?" I asked.

"T-to the faculty," she replied. I grabbed some of the documents and helped her out. "T-thanks, Shai. You're a lifesaver," Mae said with relief. "Happy to know I saved your life from this haha,"

We walked through the corridor, chatting and laughing together. Then when we were about to turn left, I bumped into someone. The documents fell and it scattered. "I-I'm sorry, miss. Didn't see you there. I'll help out—" he stopped. "R-Rance!" Mae said in surprise. "Mae," he replied. I looked at him and he's got curly, black hair. He's also pale white. 

Wait, so this is the guy Mae was talking about yesterday?  He's pretty good lookin', not gonna lie. 

He grabbed and fixed the documents and handed it to me. "I'm sorry again, miss," he said. Damn, not to mention his voice. "See you at practice later, Mae," he said and he went off. "Mae," I said.


"He's one hell of a guy," I said while laughing. "H-huh? As if I'd fall for that guy, Shai. Relationships ain't my thing," she said confidently. "Fine haha. Let's go haha," I said.

After we delivered the documents, I accompanied Mae to her music class and I went to training. 

Rance, huh. Not bad for a guy. If only Mae would like him, I'd have a chance with JayWHAT AM I THINKING?! 

I removed the thought from my head and little did I know I blushed from that thought. 

God damn it, Jay.

One Year and Two MonthsWhere stories live. Discover now