Tips for the Shower

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So these are some tips, what you can do while & after taking a shower (;

~~ While taking a shower ~~

1. Dont wash your hair more than 2-3 times a week !

2.Massage your scalp with your fingertips ! not with your nails !

3. Wash your hair with cold water ! its good for your hair & makes it grow faster !

4. Leave some of your conditioner in your hair after taking a shower ! it will make it soft & not split as much !

5. Use a lot of conditioner ! It will help your hair and make it feel more smooth

~~ After taking a shower ~~

1. Dont put your hair up in a towel after taking a shower ! (its really bad for your hair) instead use an old t-shirt. Its softer and not as rough and damaging as a towl

2. Dont brush your hair after taking a shower ! your hair is really weak when its wet.So let it dry for a bit & brush through it when its 75 % dry !

3. You can aswell put some hairoil or coconutoil in your hair ! Its really got & makes it soft & shiny !

4. I love using leave-in-conditioner, it makes my hair feel softer and makes it smooth and shiny

5. MOST IMPORTAINT ! Dont blow-dry your hair ! The best is if you dont use any heat on your hair !If you like to curl your hair try to not do it more than once a month & use heat-protecting products !


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Sorry if I wrote something wrong !

- Sass xx

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