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Tips on what you can do for your hair during the day !

1.Not too much hairspray or products in general !

2.Dont touch your hair or let other people touch it too much (who knows what is on your/their hands ?!?)

3.Dont brush your hair too much either its not good for it and can cause frizz and split ends !

4.Dont tease your hair it might look good but its really bad for it !

5.Dont put your hair in a bun too much it causes split ends ! So try to wear different hair styles like braids and ponytails (There are lots of good ideas and tutorials on YouTube !)

6. Dont use Hair Ties with metal ! it breaks your hair ! I like using soft and big hairties like scrunchies (photo) because I feel like they're less damaging


Sorry if i wrote something wrong (:

If you have questions go ahead and ask

-Sass xx

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