do you dream?

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//how do you even fanfic?//


| //when talking they look like this!!// |

--------> Error "blueberry" //me!!// <--------

---> 'and when it just important for the story' <---

//ps i'm bad at english! lol//

'blueberry woke up to look around the anti-void to see error asleep?' i never saw him sleep before. he thought 'he step just a few steps closer to error trying not to wake him' he wonder 'two more steps' does error's even sleep the way monsters or humans do? 'one more step' do they even need sleep? does he dream 'three more steps' hmm I wonder" ''he didn't even notice he was now close enough to touched him. without thinking he grab his hand' 'he glitched at that but did not wake up' he pull his hand close' he looked at his hand it was glitching he couldn't help but think how cute he was 'but then he realized what he just did' "oh no" 'Error started to wake up' "oh no oh no oh no oh no" 'sleepily and a little glitchy saying'm-Mmm b-blueBerRy? 'nervously saying' "uh good morning or ah good night i don't know what time it it's" oh i fell asleep "uhh i think so yeah. did you sleep well?" hmm i guess //he doesn't seem to notice blueberry is still holding his hand lol// "hmm i what'd to ask" mmm? "Well do you dream or do you need sleep?" uh well i don't really need sleep i mean n-not really "mmm what about dreaming?" dreams... i... sort of dream... "really? What do you mean sort of " well i mean i-i just sort of dream of o-other timelines n-now"I see............well what timelines do you dream about?"....weellll lots of t-timelines but i dream a lot of .inktale. i h-hate that p-place but there is no point of d-destroy it b-because ink would just make it right b-back again"Ink? Whos he?" ink? O-oh h-ee's just a-aa pa-in in m-my neck "oh.... Is he like...well a enemy?" yeah i g-g-guess you could ca-ll-l him that-t a-anyw-way l-let's talk ab-out s-s-something else-e "oh ok" .......y-you're r-really close to m-me....... "Oh uhhh yeah well i uhhh....." //5 years later and he just now realized// y-y-you're hol-ding-g m-my hand..."uuuhhhhh yeah well.... I just...." w-w-why ar-re y-ou holding-g my-my hand??"Well i uhhh" 'nervously say' "i what'd to hold your hand..." wha-why!!? "Because!" because!? Thats it!!? That not a good reason!! "Hey i have my reasons!! You just won't believe the real reason!!" .... "...." te-ll me "ok. well for one i Thank your super cute!<3" wHa-T!? 'he turn blue' "and then for two you can be sweet if you choose to be. and i know you're more sad then you seem" 'Really glitchy' i-i- Do-N't Kn-Ow w-What yo-U're talK-ing aBouT-t "Yes you do. I know you do. but i already know you'll just reboot if we even try to talk about it so i'm not going to push you but i what to help anyway i can! So please please!! Just let me help! please.  

//i'll continue this when i have time//

i will teach you how to love. (errorberry) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now