What a beautiful night

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'the portal open in a beautiful place it was shining with moonlight they are on a mountain with a pond and a bunch of flowers' 'error and blueberry work through the portal' here we are!'saying happily' "whoa.....just wooow" 'error smiled' "it's beautiful here!!" i know it's a little t-too beautiful if you ask me but i-i thought you would like it here s-s-sooo h-here we are-e. Now i need to g-get som-ething it's safe here unless f-fresh comes but i doubt he will sooo i'll be right back. "Uhh ok" 'with that he was gone' ".................hmmmm..............'a few minutes later'..............this place is soo beautiful...............................uhhhhh when is he-"hey yo i'm back! "EEEK! i didn't hear you come back" ha ha o-oops sorry didn't me-mean to scared ya. But look i got a picnic. 'he hold the picnic up' 'berry smiles' "a picnic!? Oh boy!!" i hoped you would say that 'he say smilen' so i got tacos and hot dogs and of course ketchup! i haven't had any ketchup since i woke up in t-the anti-void."really? I don't really have ketchup but i'll try it!" here 'he sip the ketchup' "eww not my thing" 'he give it back' ha ha 'take a sip' ......not as good as i remember "he he i guess we both have the same taste" ha yeah..... "um say you said this place was safe are you implying that most universes are not safe?" .....safe from me for sure but fresh he's another story "what do you mean by that can't you delete any universe??" what- why do you care!? But i CAN! Destroy it but there no point "wait is this-" i like this place anyways which is really weird it's beautiful and if i destroyed it we wouldn't be here now! 'he said happily' 'uhh ok.....who's fresh?" he a piece of shit that w-who "oh..........um ok but that doesn't answer my question tho..." sorry but i'm not a-answering that question "oh ok yeah that's ok so besides being beautiful what do you like about this place? And uh what is this place call?" i like the stars.....and the flowers i guess 'Blueberry is smiling and listening closely' u-uhh-hh..... "Hmm? is something wrong?" uhhh......no. do you see that mountain over there "mmm yeah what about it?" it's snowing "......oh you're right! Wowie! It reminds me of snowdin" 'saying happily' .................. "Do you.............do you have anything else to do instead of destroying au's and if you don't have you ever thought of chilling? Like have you ever like anyone?" I like you "yeah but do you like like anyone?" .........i-.......i still feel emotions but i'm a-an erro-r just like any others-rs errors or glitches the c-code is mess up and i don't really know what l-love is anymore. besides it doesn't m-matter not like anyone like me or anything. "Uhhhh yeah....." did you like the t-t-taco? "Yes it's delicious!" good 'he say smiling' "is the hot dog good?" ......nah but it's ok i wasn't ex-pecting it to b-be. "Oh Sorry" is all good i don't usually e-eat anyways "do you what to try a taco!?" uh sure why not 'he take a taco' hmm i-it's good "good! I don't what you not to have good food. By the way why did you mention the mountain and the snow?" oh i was w-wondering if you want to go o-over there to build a s-snowman or whatever."ok that sound fun!" ok come on then i know a shortcut

//today is my sister birthday anyone what to say happy b-day to her!?//  

i will teach you how to love. (errorberry) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now