Chapter 14: The big day and a new couple

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Recaps: After a while the girls went back to sleep and Damon and I decided to stay for the night to help the girls.

Samantha's pov:
Today was the big day that me and Damon get married along with Kelly and Adam, we had invited Clarissa to come which she gladly did.
We where now in the room getting ready for the wedding, "you guys look amazing" Clarissa said "thank you Clarissa" Kelly and I said "your welcome now for the final piece is the dress" she said as she brought out the dresses we chose, we put the dresses on and looked in the mirror " o my God we look amazing" Kelly said as I agreed with her.

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Damon's pov: I was freaking out along with Adam "dude I don't know about you but I'm freaking nervous bro" Adam said "so am I Adam" I said as my other friend Hunter helped us out "you know Hunter when are you going to find someone special to marry...

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Damon's pov:
I was freaking out along with Adam "dude I don't know about you but I'm freaking nervous bro" Adam said "so am I Adam" I said as my other friend Hunter helped us out "you know Hunter when are you going to find someone special to marry" Adam asked "well that girl that was in the picture with Damon the fourth girl she was pretty hot plus she definitely looked like a keeper" he said "are you talking about this one" I said as I got my phone out and pointed to Clarissa "yea her" he said "her names Clarissa she's Samantha's friend and the owner of where she works at plus she's also here today" I said looking at Adam as he gave Hunter a thumbs up, "ask her to dance when slow music comes on" Adam said "alright I will" he said as we finished putting our suits on and walked outside to wait for our brides.

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Kelly's pov: "I'm the first one up" I said panicking "breath Kelly breath" Samantha said trying to sooth me, my babies where with Clarissa at the time so I had no source of happiness right now and all I felt was nervousness, "Kelly look at me and ...

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Kelly's pov:
"I'm the first one up" I said panicking "breath Kelly breath" Samantha said trying to sooth me, my babies where with Clarissa at the time so I had no source of happiness right now and all I felt was nervousness, "Kelly look at me and breath" Samantha said as I looked at her and calmed down a little then I heard the piano start "get out there Kelly" Samantha said giving me a thumbs up and a smile.
I walked out to see Adam in front of Damon and his Jaw dropped and Damon held in his laughter, I finally made it up to where Damon and Adam where as Adam still had his mouth open "close your mouth I don't want you to choke on a bug" I whispered as he immediately shut his mouth closed, "you may kiss the bride" the man said as Adam leaned in and kissed me, after that we sat down.

Samantha's pov:
'Alright breath in and breath out there's nothing to worry about' I thought to myself as I heard clapping and I knew it was almost my turn to go up, the piano started and I walked out to see Damon standing there in all his glory as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish 'oh man that's a lot of people here' I thought as I looked around, I noticed some where from Adam and Damon's job but the rest where unknown to me. I made it to where Damon was with out embarrassing myself 'big accomplishment Samantha' I thought to myself, "you may now kiss the bride" the man said as Damon leaned in and kissed me.
After that we ate and drank water, and of course the two bundle of joy where brought to Kelly and Adam 'maybe having kids isn't such a bad thing after all' I thought to myself as I saw Kelly and Adam smiling down at the two babies "so you still want to have babies" Damon whispered to me, I could tell he really wanted to be a dad and I don't blame him I would love to be a mom "of course I still want to have babies Damon why wouldn't I" I whispered to him "good" he whispered back as I saw him smirk 'what have I gotten myself into' I thought.

Damon's pov:
I asked her if she wanted to have babies and when she said yes I couldn't help but smirk 'I'll make Sure you get pregnant tonight love' I thought to myself as I felt it coming, I heard a slow song turn on and my smirk grew even wider by the second 'in three, two, one' I thought then I saw Hunter and Clarissa dancing in the crowd of people, I hit Adam's leg and he looked at me along with Samantha and Kelly "look at the new couple" I said point at Hunter and Clarissa, I saw Kelly and Samantha smile at there friend and Adam was smirking along with me "do you two always smirk" Kelly and Samantha asked, I looked at Adam who's smirk grew wider "oh trust me babe we smirk when we think dirty about you" Adam and I said "remind me again how we came to love these men" Kelly said as Adam looked at her affened "Kelly my friend I wish I could answer that question but I'm afraid I don't know" Samantha said as I looked at her "because you two just love us for who we are" I said as Adam agreed "I love you Adam" Kelly said "I love you too Kelly" Adam said as they kissed "I love you Damon" Samantha said "I love you more Samantha" I told her as we kissed.
So what do you guys think boring or not let me know in the comments below and please no mean or rude comments thank you and don't forget to vote 😊😊

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