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Adrien and Marinette walked into school to be bombarded with their classmates. The news had not announced the identities of Paris's superheroes, but word had already gotten out.

Alya rushed up to Marinette,

"Oh my gosh! I had no idea!! Where have you been since the ceremony?" She exclaimed excitedly. Marinette weakly smiled at her friend and brushed past her.

Adrien followed his partner while everyone watched them go, odd looks on their faces.

"What's wrong with them?" Nino wondered. No one else bothered Adrien or Marinette for the rest of the day. During lunch break, Adrien sat alone at home not touching his food. He just starred blankly at the green bracelet.

When it was time to go back to school for afternoon classes he quietly got up and went back. For months neither said anything. No expression crossed their faces. Adrien tried to contact Alyssa's foster parents in England but they wouldn't answer him.

Life was boring without the responsibility of saving Paris anymore. Adrien sat at his desk flicking his ring around when a knock on the door startled him.

"C-come in!" He called, probably Natalie, who checked up on him every few hours. Instead Nino walked through the door.

"Hey dude, we need to talk" he said in a serious tone.

"About what?" Adrien asked, not looking at his friend. Nino grabbed the back of his chair and swung him around.

"About your crappy attitude the past months! You and Marinette both! There's something going on that you guys aren't talking about." Adrien sighed deeply, he would have to say it one day.

"Remember the day where my dad showed up and went crazy and tried to kill me and Mari? Well my sister was there too. She tried to protect me and everyone else there. While me and Marinette were after the akuma he releases we left my sister to fend for herself against Gabriel. She was no match for him. After several surgeries she passed away in the hospital."

Nino stood dumbfounded. "Dude, I had no idea, I'm so sorry." Adrien shrugged,

"Not your fault. You didn't know." He said in a monotone.

More months passed and Marinette happily skipped into school with a box firm in her hands. She opened the door to her classroom and saw Adrien chatting with Nino.

"Good morning!" She chirped and set the box down in front of Adrien. Adrien glanced at her suspiciously. He pulled the bow off and opened the box. Inside was an adorable cupcake that had green icing and said 'Happy Birthday' on it with hand piped icing in black. He turned around and smiled warmly at her.

Marinette beamed, finally a time to celebrate after Alyssa's death. School went on boring as ever. When the lunch bell rang Marinette caught up to Adrien on his way out.

"Want to have lunch at my place? My treat" she said winking at him. Adrien chuckled and agreed. The two walked side by side down the sidewalk towards Marinette's house.

"So, have you figured out living arrangements for Paris yet?" Marinette inquired.

"No, if I don't find a solution by the end of the year then I'll have to go live with my aunt in the mountains." Adrien said gloomily. Marinette flocked his ear,

"Hey! Today is not a day to mope around. It's a time to celebrate!" Marinette chided him lightly. Adrien smiled to himself, loud footsteps behind them made the two pause. Adrien turned around to see someone bent over, out of breath.

They caught their breath and stood up straight. At the sight of her red hair Adrien's heart stopped. The young girl was still flustered. When Adrien studied her face his heart plummeted.

"You dropped your book" she said handing him a thin notebook. Adrien thanked her and turned around. He wanted to see Alyssa agin so bad that now he was hallucinating. His face turned down in a frown as he continued with Marinette down the street.

They ate a delicious lunch and returned to school for afternoon classes. The rest of the day went on as normal. Adrien stood next to Nino as he was waiting for his car to pick up.

Nino left to go home, leaving Adrien alone. A light tap on his shoulder made him look up. A woman with short blonde hair, wearing a ball cap and sunglasses smiled at him.

"Hi, I think you have something of mine." She said almost giggling. Adrien looked at her quizzically,

"Um, I'm not sure what you mean" he said slowly. The woman smiled again and took off her sunglasses and ball cap.

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