thought I'd share

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This is going to be my first song. I've decided that sitting on the sidelines watching the game pass by...wasn't what I wanted. .I don't want to spend my life as a spectator, I want to spend my life as a leader, a friend. But one more thing..when I say leader..I'm saying for me only!! You be the leader of you.  Don't give that to someone else. You be the leader of your life, not your mom nor your dad. If they support you FUCKING GREAT!! Serious...still, be the best you that you can be. For yourself.
OK here it is..this is my work. All rights reserved and personal. No permission is given for any rights without my sole consent. Adalaine Marie..consider this my signature.

Scattered dreams always seemed to far out of reach-
Like the sea the shining sea that we believe -
You and me

Out of touch, out of time, it's our thin line -
We must find the breath that we've been searching for,
Within Ourselves------
Adalaine Marie...
Your friend

MY RESPONSE with a POETICAL FLAIRNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ