Just realized...

18 3 0

Ok if you haven't read the prologue for Darkstalker Legends (😂😂😂😂) then I suggest you read it before reading this. http://s3.plus.scholastic.com/uploads/cms/9/book/excerpt/548/Legends_DarkStalkerExcerpt_6fc02073a4.pdf​

So anyway, I just realized that when Fathom says that Albatross looks sort of like the seagull, that an albatross is a type of seagull and Albatross looks like an albatross.

I dare you to go up to your grandfather with a coconut and command the coconut to hit your grandfather.

If you have either of those.

Also, which are you going to read first: Darkstalker Legends or Talons of Power?

Me: Darkstalker Legends since Fathom is my favorite

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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