Ninja + Ninja = ?

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 " Zhark, I suggest you untie me right now before the idiot comes " I said annyoingly.

" Now, why would I do that?" Dr.Zhark grinned.

" Have no fear! Your superman is here!" The ninja said. ( I call him Ninja because none of us other NORMAL ninjas know each others identity,  Infact, I'll call him idiot ) 

Idiot jumped down from the ceiling, landed on the floor, and Bam! He's now hanging upside.

" You idoit! What did you think was going to happen! You jump down without even looking!" I yelled. 

Everday, I get sent to stop Dr.Zhark's stupid evil plans, I somehow ALWAYS get trapped when I always save the day. Makes no sense, right?

I felt around me, maybe I can find something?

" Nice of you to join us, Ninja. Now, as soon as I push this lever the whole dam will explode and I will flood the WORLD!!" Dr.Zhark rambled on.

" Um, hey Zhark if you actually used your brain you'd figured, that a DAM can't flood the whole WORLD!" I said in a matter-of-fact-voice.

" At least, I'm not stuck next to a idiot" Dr.Zhark grinned. He's got a good point, I thought. I felt around for anything sharp. Steel! I grabbed it and felt it in my hand. It had a slot. Pocket Knife? I slide the slot to open, I slid it against the rope, if its a knife it'll rip the rope, right?

My hands felt more loose and no longer tight. Well, it was a knife. " Now, on with my plan!" Dr.Zhark said and turned his back. This is my chance!

I jumped from my seat and kicked Dr. Zhark's legs so he falls down. " Hey! Are you going to untie me? " asked the idiot. Of course not!

" Nope " I said popping the P. Robot's attack! That's all I heard from Dr. Zhark before he left in his escape pod and left the robots for me to handle. " Thanks for nothing! " Idiot yelled before he was by my side.

I ran to a robot approaching my left, I threw 3 ninja stars in his direction. Two to each of the arms, and one for his neck to shut it off. I saw Idiot, kick a robot's head off, push himself off of it and backflip onto another robot and taking out the batteries. This was completely normal for me, I've been training to be a ninja since I was 6.

* Flashback *

" Can I speak with Lexi?" my Uncle asked. My father nodded, before turning and joing my mom.

" Lexi, I'd like to tell you something very important, so important you can't tell your mommy or daddy, okay?" he asked me calmy. I, 6 year-old me, walked to my uncle and nodded. I was curious to know what was so important.

" Have you heard of ninjas?" He asked me. " Yeah, are they thoose good guys in black who know those cool moves? " I asked. He nodded. " Yes, now listen to me carefully. I am the Head Cheif of a secret Ninja society, and I want to train you until you're the age to actually fight, is that okay with you?"

I smiled, I though this was going to be awesome, but keeping from my parents? I learnt to deal with it. I nodded and my uncle told me why he chosen me. Apparently, when I was a baby, in my crib I would use to kick and before I learned to walk or run, I learned to jump. In daycare, I'd have these litle races and I would run faster than everyone. I was freakin 3 years old!

* End of Flashback *

" Hey! Stop day-dreaming and help me! " Idiot yelled as robots surronded him. What stupid robots! They couldn't even attack me while, I wasn't paying attention, infact that never happens. I'm always aware of everything around me. I never let my guard down. " Help me!" I heard Idiot yell.

I used my grappling hook to land on a pipe above the robots. I jumped down landing on one of them. I procceded to snap his head off.

Self-Destruct Mode in 1 minute.......

Of course, what a cheesy bad guy thing to do. I ran to where all the computer tech things were and scanned them till I found something that said, Turn off robots. I hit the button that said. " Shut Down Robots."

Sure enough, they all switch off and all I can hear is the timer. " Come on we don't have much time!" I yelled. I grabbed Idiot's wrist and used my grappling hook to get us up and in the air vent. 10....9...8...

I crawled through the vent until I found the vent that leads outside. I kicked it with all my force and it fell with a loud thud.Idiot, like an idiot pushed me down! Luckily, I have fast reflexes and ladned in that position, that Catwoman does ( one hand on the ground, one leg stretched out while the other one is is in )  3...2...1......


New story, I'm going to uodate this one till I finish it and do the other ones. The reason I'm doing this one is because I already thought about everything thats going to happen and I have Writer's Block for my other stories.

I hope you Enjoy this story though, :D 

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