You're finally awake

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Lucy awoke later that night in a pure white room. Was she dead? Looking down at her hands she noticed all her bruises and scratch marks somehow healed. Hell even her clothes were nice. Wait these aren't the clothes she went to battle in. Lucy was now in a tight fitted dress, that expressed her curves so sweetly. She blushed brightly as she nearly screamed. That means someone undressed her! Lucy felt violated. She covered herself in the nearby blankets that were folded so neatly. Wait where is Nat-

"Lucy," a husky voice said across the room. Lucy froze as her eyes widened at the figure. It was Natsu. Her Natsu. Without processing what was happening she ran to him, hugging his sides and weeping into him.

"Natsu, what's happening? Where's Erza? Grey? Happy? L-Levy? Where's our guild?" Lucy asked desperately, as she tugged on his cloak. Natsu looked into her weeping eyes as he took hold of Lucy's hands.

"Fairy Tail has been demolished, and the guild members have been killed, or missing in combat." Natsu said hoarsely.

"Who all are missing?" Lucy asked with her eyes burning from tears.

"Erza Scarlet, Grey Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, MiraJane Strauss, Levy McGarden, and Gajeel RedFox." He said letting go of her hands and looked away from her sad face.

"Have you sent out a search Party? We have to find them! Zeref could find them and Kill them! Natsu we need to find our friends! We need to-"

"Enough Lucy," Natsu said cutting her off with a nonchalant voice.

"But Natsu-"

"I said enough Lucy. They're gone. They're apart of your past, and it's about time you forgot about them," Natsu hissed as Lucy backed away from him in horror.

"You're not Natsu. Natsu would never say something like that!" Lucy screamed clutching her fists.

" You're Natsu is dead!" End barked back tugging at her arm.

"Let me go! You're a monster!" Lucy hollered as the memories of the war flooded back to her. The way Natsu destroyed things. The wildness that screamed through his body as he fought. He wasn't Natsu. He was a demon. He even defeated Erza, crippling her by stabbing one of her own swords through her knee cap.

"Lucy stop it!" Natsu growled shaking her as she tried to get away. "I'm not going to hurt you Lucy!" Natsu said grabbing her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. "I'm only going to protect you!"

"Why would you? When you tried to destroy my Family!" Lucy spat, glaring at him.

"Because I can't hurt you! I-I love you Lucy. Even Zeref's magic can't take that away from me." Natsu said sighing, and let her go.

"But, you killed our family." Lucy said with glossy eyes.

"I KNOW!" Natsu yelled punching the wall causing it to burn to ash. Lucy winced as Natsu breathed heavily. "How hard I try, I can't hurt you Lucy," Natsu admitted with a sign of sadness in his voice. "You're my only weakness. Even with all this power, all this anger lit inside me, I just cant hurt you."

Lucy cried as she took hold of Natsu raged hand. It wasn't like it used to be. Scales were scattered against his hand, rising up to his shoulder. Lucy looked up at Natsu who had definitely changed in appearance. His face was painted with black marks, as if he was burned, his teeth were somehow sharper than before, and he wasn't wearing a cape. He had grown wings. She gasped in awe, reaching her hand out to touch him. But, to only draw back in fear at the monster in front of her.

Natsu pulled her hand back and rubbed it against his cheek. He hummed in his throat that resembled purring. Lucy blushed a bit as he then placed kisses onto her knuckles with a smirk. Lucy finally pulled away from his kisses and looked down thinking.

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