All you do is take

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Hot tears rolled down Lucy's brown eyes. Her chest began to rise and fall from her frantic breathing. How could any of this happen?

Usually Fairy tail would stumble, but at the end they would rise from their ashes and be victorious. But it looked like nothing was going to rise from the debris from outside. There was no life outside of the fire and what lived inside the comforts of the castle.

"Lucy-" the grim voice made the blonde jump from where she was standing, nearly falling down into the rising flames.

But before she would be burned alive, a scaled hand wrapped around her wrist. She knew who it was. Lucy swallowed slowly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you..." he lifted her back inside and shut the door.

"I also didn't mean for you to see that," his slotted eyes glared at the door as if it was its fault for sharing the chaos from outside. "Luce," his right hand moved same hair from her pale face.

"Please speak to me." He begged with desperation straining his throat.

"Was it necessary? Was the overkill and destruction needed?" She asked him with a cruel stare. "Are you proud of what you and Zeref did to everything I loved!?" Her voice rose to the point it even startled END. He backed away from her.

"Lucy, it's more nuance then that-"

"No it's not! You and your brother did all of this to have some sick fun!" She was sobbing madly. "All you two did was ruin everything! You ruined everything!" The blonde shoved her finger into his chest.

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't wanna be great anymore." With that she shoved the giant door open, ignoring the heat flowing in.

"You can't go out there! You won't survive a week-!" END warned and grabbed a hold of his lovers wrist.

"Good. Anywhere is better then here with you."

"Please, please, I-" Now even the grand demon was crying like a small child. "Please don't leave me Lucy. You're all I have left. You're the only piece I have that still reminds me of who I used to be..." his thumb ran over her palm.

"You should've thought of that before becoming this," she yanked her arm away from him, and gave the demon one last glare before jumping out of the castle.

"Lucy!" END screamed and leaned out after the blonde. " Lucy come back inside!" His voice was full of warning. "Just come back inside and we can forget about this."

Lucy ignored him and trudged forward, blocking his voice out. She just need to keep moving forward. Then she'd be further away from him and all this madness. Lucy then could devise a search party for her other team mates. She could-

"Lucy!" A strong feminine voice yelled a couple yards away from her.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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