Chapter Twelve - Guess Where We're At?

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  I had been talking and texting Ash, Jinxx, C.C., Andy, and Sammi for a while now. I had been helping Astral at her martial arts studio and my wound was now all healed up. She only just let me start back in on the physical training three weeks ago.

  Sam O'laughlin, my boss, ran his background check on me and it was good, okay, I guess. I took that to mean that my father hadn't even filed a Missing Persons report on me and that the worst thing the system had on me was that I hadn't finished school. Sam didn't care about the school thing. He said that as long as I worked hard and didn't act stupid, I had a job at Music Riddles.

  After my two week trial period, having caught three shoplifters and escorted two troublesome guys out of the store, Sam finally told me about the "nothing" from before. He said that he had hired me because I looked like I needed a job and he'd had a good feeling about me, that he could trust me. He told me he had recognized the military-like awareness (read my paranoia) that he needed in an employee.

  I really liked Sam as a boss. He respected me and didn't ask about my past. I didn't ask about his past either, nor did I ask about Jack's.

  Jack Zachary Parmegot was my coworker and gay with rainbow emo colors. He was funny, stylish, and strait up amazing. He loved my long hair and insisted on doing my hair every morning before we opened the store. He had some skills in hairdressing that I could never hope to match.

  Jack had been working at Music Riddles since he was seventeen, so he had about three years under his belt. He'd already seen five attempted robberies (attempted because Sam kept a shotgun and a few other firearms behind and under the counter) and dealt with several break-ins before the security equipment was put in. Since then, there had been only two attempted robberies. The store was in a not-so-great part of New York, but Music riddles was one of the best music shops in all of New York anyway.

  I had already tried talking Jack into coming to one of Astral's martial arts classes, but he refused. It wasn't for him. He had a conceal and carry permit for Mr. Colt .45 holstered on his hip, hidden by his loose, dark red, sleeveless jacket. Besides, he just couldn't be himself if he had to tone down his gayness so the strait guys wouldn't feel so unnerved.

  I didn't push the issue after he told me that.

  So, it's three days until my birthday and I still don't know how I'm gonna celebrate it. Jack says he's taking me shopping if I don't make any plans.

  His exact words were:

  "Girl, if you ain't gonna do nothin' special for your birthday, I'm taking you shopping. We're gonna getcha some flashy shirts, some shoes, maybe a few miniskirts and leggings." Jack had a hand on his hip and was using his other one to emphasize his words with gestures. "Maybe we can pick up a few gorgeous men while we're at it."

  I hadn't told them about knowing BVB, but then again, I didn't know what was going on there. I mean Ash and Jake and I were just friends, right?

  Even so, I had this question that kept coming back; why do they fight over the phone almost every time I call one of them or one of them calls me? With this question came an unfamiliar fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't quite identify.

  So, anyway, I had three days to figure out a plan for my birthday. Knowing Jack, if I went shopping with him, he'd get me into an ungodly pair of boots like the ones he liked to wear; black, high heeled, multi-buckled, and sometimes spiky monstrosities. Jack had three pairs of boots that fit this description, plus a pair of knee-high converse with every color of stars and skulls on them. Those were just the pairs of shoes he had that I knew of. Who knows what others he has?

Black Veil Bad Girl ~ Book 1: Somebody's Hero( a Black Veil Brides Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن