Chapter Sixteen - PTSD

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Jack POV

I was telling Mr. So-hot-I'd-jump-in-bed-with-him-in-an-instant, Jayy Von Monroe, about how I got so good at comebacks when I looked over at Jux.

"Hey, Jux? You okay?" I asked. Her face had turned sad and she looked pale.

Then she looked unsteady with this spaced out expression.

"Oh, crap. You need air?" Was my baby claustraphobic? I didn't think she was because we'd been a bit cramped with all those bodies on the ride here on the tourbus. I shooed Captain Cutey, Dahvie Vanity off the couch and took a closer look at her.

"*F*!" Her expression had turned to that look my older brother got when he was having an episode and he was about to loose it. I stood and pulled her into a hug that also pinned her arms. I tried to get her to focus. "Jux. Jux, can you hear me? Don't think about it, whatever it is. Focus on me. Focus on my voice."

Dahvie touched her shoulder and I felt her tense up, about to kick him. "Is she-"

"Don't touch her!" I squeezed her harder and her foot touched the ground again when Dahvie pulled his hand back. She was tensed up like she was about to explode, livid with a rage I didn't know she could have.

I need to get her out of here and I needed to talk to Astral. She lived with Jux, she'd know the best way to help her.

Jayy was closest to my back pocket.

"Jayy. I need you to grab my phone from my back pocket and call someone for me."

"No problem," he smiled an innocent smile and grabbed my *A* before pulling my phone free from the pocket.

This was no time for me to have naughty thoughts, but I allowed myself a brief few seconds to fantasize about an expansion of his flirtatious gestures before telling him to find Astral in my contacts.

My cell rang before he found her number. He looked at the name and gave a "hunh..." before hitting the speaker button.

"Hey, Jack? How's it going at the concert? How's Jux?" It was Astral.

"Lucky timing. I need your help. I'm fine, but Jux isn't. She looks like my brother when he's having a PTSD thingy."

"Look?! You do know I'm bli- nevermind. Is she tensed up like a mass of strained muscles? She feel feverish? I suppose she isn't speaking either. She giving the 'not here' vibe or the hostile vibe? Has she hurt anyone?!" Astral was getting frantic.

"All the above except she hasn't hurt anyone yet," I said.

"Is she feverish?" Astral asked.

"YES." I confirmed.

"Are you close to her? Is she-"

"I'm holding her at the moment while Jayy Von Monroe has my phone on speaker," I told her.

"Okay. She trusts you. That's good. Jayy Von Mon-? nevermind. Are you inside or outside?"

"We're on a tour bus-" Dahvie started to say.

"Jack, get her outside! Now! Don't let anyone else touch her!"

"Why?" Jayy asked. "Why can't-"

"Because she will attack you! Because she isn't wholly here in the present at the moment!" Astral yelled. "And because I will personally come down there and kick your *A*s myself after she's done with you because you're too talkative to listen to me!"

I felt a buzzing in the back of my neck and one of the empty cans laying on the coffee table rolled off.


Black Veil Bad Girl ~ Book 1: Somebody's Hero( a Black Veil Brides Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant