New School, New Name, New Life

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I watch in horror as Caleb breaks down and cries. I feel arms around me trying to hold me in one place. I kick out and start running. I don't mean to hurt anyone. I hate to shut them all out. Now I need to be alone. My mom screams out at me but I keep going. I hear the gunshots. I hear screams. I don't turn back. Just keep going.


I wake with a jolt. We are still in the car we left in. I look over and see Eaton looking at me. I am vaguely aware that I am leaning on his shoulder. I push myself up as we turn into a gas station. We drive around to the back. There are three vans big enough to be limousines waiting. We get out and Zeke assigns us a van and partner.

Eaton and I end up stuck together. Yay me, I think bitterly.

"Beatrice are you able to drive? I am quite tired. Or should I program the van to drives us all the way to Chicago?" he asks. I nod and he types some words in to a panel. We climb in and the vans take off simultaneously. On the road again I see they aren't vans but small apartment like structures. I walk to the bed and lie down. I feel Eaton climb in by me but I am to tired to protest. I just scoot as far as I can from him and sleep as soundly as I can.

I wake to the smell of bacon. Slowly pushing myself up from the bed I see a small kitchenette pulled out. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. Eaton is standing by the stove and is flipping some eggs.

"Good morning," He says without even looking at me. I wave and walk over to him. "Well don't just stand there take a plate!"

I snap out of my daze and do as he says. He loads it with eggs and bacon. We eat in silence until we stop for gas. Zeke and Metal Mouth's cars are here too.

"Four, Tris, how was your night?" Zeke calls to us. I wave back and Eaton- Four- calls back that we were fine all night. Caleb pulls him over and starts talking to him as Uriah comes over to me.

"Tris, I promise I will explain everything as soon as I can." he says.

"That's why you were so sure the sites were right. You knew what they were. Why didn't you tell me?" I say almost coldly. He looks shocked. He sets his jaw and turns on his heel.

I shake my head and load up in the van. Four looks at me and follows suit. I feel the van dip under his weight.

"Tris what's wrong?" he asks.

"What do you care?" I snap. He looks hurt. "Four I didn't mean it I'm. just... whoa!" I scream as the van lurched forwards. Four catches me and I realize how close we are. Six inches apart.

"You OK?" he asks again. I swallow and nod. He sets me up slowly. smoothing my hands through my hair I look down.

"I need to go shopping though. I don't have any clothes." he nods at me.

"Well let's let Christina take care of that tonight." he says evenly. I nod again and before I know it we are in Chicago.

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