4; Curiosity, Melody and Stamina //Part 1

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Hi sorry it took so long, been busy on the other one. Also that moment you're planning another book but then your mind said you have enoUGH

EDIT: Republished because there's a few word changes


"Five minutes in this shitty ordeal and I'm already bored."

"You brought this upon yourself Jared, shut the fuck up."

"Not like I was the one who cheated on a test, you hypocrite!"

"I didn't cheat! I wasn't even answering that stupid exam like I need that!"

"If you weren't staring at trucker hat the whole time, you wouldn't be in here and instead you'll be with your precious little boyfriend fucking behind the drum set!"

"I wasn't the hoe who couldn't stand being around the two nastiest bitches in Science class!"

"Shut up. If you two won't stop bickering about why you're here, they'll extend it." Gerard says from the back of the room, doodling on his notebook.

Jared and Arthur turns to him, annoyed looks on their faces. Jared huffs, crossing his arms. "You know this is bad for my reputation. I'm the head cheerleader. I'm not supposed to be here. Don't you care about your reputation, Gee?"


"Gerard's reputation isn't important for him. He doesn't give two shits if he goes to detention every single day, nor what people think about him. You, on the other hand, stresses about that all the time. Give it a rest." Arthur sighs, chipping the paint on the desk.

"I'm going to miss rehearsals today. Stupid Mr. Quinn and his stupid pop quizzes, stupid Martin looking all adorable it's fucking me up so bad I want to take him to the nearest volcano and throw him in, stupid detention I'm going to attend for 2 weeks, stupid predictions, stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Arthur slams his hands on the desk, jolting everyone up and making Gerard extend the line he's drawing a little too long. He scoffs, erasing the mistake.

Ms. Love wakes up for a second before dozing off in front, mumbling about students sneaking out.

Jared hits Arthur's shoulder. "Can you stop overreacting like that? You're gonna wake up the delusional blondie we call our prefect of discipline right there."

"Oh, I don't care if that old hag wakes up anyways. I'm sure she won't even care if we leave." Arthur replies, before realizing what he just said. He looks at Jared, grinning. "We can leave."

"Can't. Tried it before. Ms. Love senses sneaky shits like you leaving detention. Besides, where's the fun in that? It's the first time you two are in detention with me, make it memorable." Gerard says from the back.

"Well excuse me Gee, but I don't want to spend my time in this goddamned classroom. I belong in the field, cheerleading not sitting on a desk waiting for God to save my fucking soul." Jared glared at his older triple, who completely misses the icy daggers throwing at his direction.

Gerard doesn't say anything, which infuriates Jared even more. "Gee!"

"What? You're interrupting my thoughts." Gerard almost breaks his pencil, returning the daggers thrown a second ago.

Jared flinches at the way Gerard looks at him, so he shakes his head in subtle fear. "N-nevermind."

"What are you drawing there anyways?" Arthur glances at Ms. Love before standing up and walking over to where Gerard is. Actually, Gerard is sketching another prediction that will happen in the future.

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