Wont Stop

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Dont stop doing the things you do
And stay true, to you, even though its not new
Everything you did made my heart fly
Just why?
Are you afraid
Of me not liking you
Or me not wanting us
Or there being a we
But see
These lost thoughts never strayed
Wandered off to be laid
To bed
But instead
Stuck in my head
Are these thoughts of me with you
and us and we
Cant believe, that we've
Been without each other
For so long,
Wrote poems to you that sounded like love songs
Hoped you knew they were for you
Conflicting Emotions was just me thinking of you
And only you
Crazy what we do for the people who
We care about the most.
So like a robber running from a cop
These thoughts of you
Just wont stop...

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