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Storybrooke 7 weeks ago...

Emma stared deep into the Hooks eyes and said the words she had been too afraid to say,

"I love you."

She waited for a response, a happy smile would've been enough. But there was nothing. The pirate looked at her blankly and searched for words. How could he lie? He had been dating Emma for some time now, known her for so long and despite the fact she said she knew him so well, she never saw what she was afraid to see: the truth. Emma took the silence as reaction of shock and flung her arm into the darkness and felt it wrap around her. All the happy times started to fade out of her mind and be replaced by loneliness, anger and darkness. Then it all went black.

Regina stayed secure in Robin's arms whilst Emma was being eaten by the darkness. Her eyes found themselves looking at Hook, standing all alone. She had Robin, Snow had Charming. He was alone. All she wanted to do was go and stand next to him, comfort him. But her thoughts were interrupted by a clank of the dagger falling to the floor with Emma's name embodied in its metal. Hook looked behind his shoulder to Regina and they stared at each other, not knowing how to react. He realised she was in the arms of Robin and dropped his head back to his feet. Regina saw and understood his look and pulled herself out of her thief's grasp, feeling guilty but not knowing why.

"How could she be so stupid?"

"Regina!" Shouted Charming.

"There had to have been another way!"

"There wasn't. That thing was going to kill you- she saved your life."

"Don't you think I know that!"

The rest of the evening went by in a blur. Her and Hook argued and she kicked herself for calling him 'Guyliner' again. She knew he hated that. Robin asked to walk home with her and make sure she was okay but she turned down the offer,

"I...I just need some time alone, I'm a bit shocked. That should've been me..."

Robin kissed her forehead and nodded, "I understand, love. I'm only a call away if you need me."

Regina meekly smiled, "Thank you."

"And I'm glad it wasn't you Regina."

Regina smiled again and watched him leave her house. Henry was upstairs asleep and she could hear his little snores through the floorboards. She needed to get Emma back for her son, for Hook...

'Great Regina, just great. Now your thinking about him again."

Trying to push the pirate out of her mind she grabbed her black leather jacket and headed towards Granny's. She needed a drink.

Much to her surprise sitting in Granny's dinner was Killian Jones. She was tempted to turn around and walk back home, but he saw her and beckoned her over with his one good hand. She choose to ignore her head and follow her heart to the the empty seat next to his.

"Sorry for calling you Guyliner again," she said, breaking the silence.

"Sorry for bringing up your sister."

Regina held out her hand across the counter, "Truce?"

Hook took it and their hands interlocked, fitting together like two missing pieces of a jigsaw,

"Truce." He repeated. It wasn't until Granny served Regina with her shot that they finally let go. She picked up the glass and downed the drink in one go. It burnt her throat and and squeezed her eyes shut to try and make the taste weaker.

"Why didn't you say it back?"

Hook looked at her, "What do you mean?"

"Emma told you she loved you. You had a chance to say it back. Why didn't you?"

Hook looked into Reginas chocolate brown eyes and smiled. As he spoke his eyes dropped to the floor like he was ashamed.

"You know why."

"Then say it."

Hook looked up and didn't know whether it was the alcohol making him so confident or the fact that the words coming out of his mouth felt so right to say,

"I love you."

Regina didn't know how to respond other than want she was desperate to do: crash we lips into his. But Robin...

"I know love, you have Robin and your 'page 23' I don't expect anything back. Wow, would you look at that, I'm putting someone else's feelings before mine. I guess I am becoming a hero."

"Page 23 isn't real."

Now it was Hooks turn in not knowing how to respond. Regina inched closer to him and spoke the words, told the story she never wanted to say,

"Years ago TinkerBell lead me to a tavern and told me my soulmate was inside. Her pixie dust showed us him and we never saw his face...only his tattoo on his wrist..."

She pulled up Hook's leather jacket to reveal the tattoo on his forearm: "Milah."

Hook's eyes widened, "It was me?"

"Yes, I was just too scared to approach you. I saw the name, you clearly were grieving a lose, you wouldn't want to love again- I understood how you would feel about me before I met you. So I left."

"And Robin?"

"He showed interest in me, he cared for me and when Tink saw his tattoo she believed it was him that was my soulmate. You had Emma so I went along with it. And it was going fine until today."

Her voice trailed off. What had just happened? Hook wiped away the tears that had apparently formed under her cheeks.

"We will save Emma. Not because I love her, but because you need her and Henry needs her. Today can be a day we forget about..."

"But I don't want to forget," said Regina interrupting him and locking her lips around his. He wasn't taken aback. He added hunger and passion and she cupped his cheeks as he rubbed his hand through her hair. It only occurred to them when Regina's glass dropped on the floor that they were still in Granny's dinner. They both laughed simultaneously and in a poof of purple smoke they were gone.


Back in the Underworld...

Emma felt as if her heart had been pulled from her chest and crushed. She couldn't breathe, her hand was on her chest and she felt like her life was ending. Hades laughed,

"Ooh that was fun!"

Regina opened her fist and a fireball appeared,

"That's enough, Hades. What do you achieve by this? What point are you trying to make?"

Hades flicked his wrist and Regina was pulled up against the wall, her throat closing,

"Well, first of all I do like a bit of drama. Conflict makes a story so much better don't you think? Secondly, look around you."

Regina turned her head in pain to her surroundings. Emma was gone.

" she," she asked her words quiet.

"I didn't do anything! Other than show her the truth. She simply just ran off- probably to tell her parents and son about your horrible, horrible affair. Which brings me to my third reason: I want you to be hurt and alone for the next part of my plan."

And with that note he flashed away in his signature blue smoke leaving a gagging Regina on the floor of the mines with so many questions and so many tears.

A/N: sorry I took so long to update. I found this chapter hard but I hope you liked it. Maybe leave some opinions on how it's going so far?
Amy Xx

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