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We slowly walked through the woods to the pharmacy that Henrietta had found. Our group was constantly looking for a cure. I was studying to become an epidemiologist before all of this happened so if anyone could find a cure, it would be me.

"You gonna work your science magic on this thing?" Beau asked walking up next to me.

"You know, science and magic don't really go in the same sentence," I said snarkily and he rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean," He said adjusting his backpack on his shoulders.

"Yeah, I do," I replied quietly, the joyous sound of running water caught my attention. I split off from the group and walked to the source of the sound. A small stream ran through a divot in the vegetation. It seemed so peaceful here, so untouched. Beau walked up behind me.

"What are-" He stopped upon seeing the water. "Reminds me of my mother," He said after a few silent moments.

"Reminds me of Julia," I said, my eyes burned because of the surfacing tears.

"I have heard that name a few times, who is she exactly?" Beau asked, I turned to him, adjusting my pack on my shoulders nervously.

"It doesn't matter now, she's-" my mouth stopped working for a second, Beau leaned in. "She's dead."

"So is my mother but I still talk about her," He said.

"Maitland, Beau! Get your asses over here!" My dad yelled angrily at us. David stared disappointedly down at us as well. We slowly made our trek back up to the rest of the group.

"What the hell were you guys looking at anyways?" Sydney asked.

"Sydney, honey," Her mom said reaching for her shoulder. Sydney pulled away from her.

"A stream," Beau replied. Sydney ignored his comment and focused her teenage hormones on me.

"You can't just do whatever you want," She sneered. I looked to my dad to see if he was going to stop this, his eyes motioned me forward.

"I don't get why you're so goddamn confrontational all the time. This is your life now and guess what? You're at the bottom. You better start acting like it," I said, spitting at her feet. She stepped back, shocked. I had never gotten angry at her like that before. She needed to understand something though, I am 25 years old, a goddamn adult. I don't need a 16 year old thinking that she can boss me around. I already have my dad for that.

Our group continued walking, I slowly calmed myself.

"Damn, Mait," Beau said using my nickname. "That was awesome."

"I feel bad, but God am I sick of her shit!" I said and Beau laughed loudly. It was a real, true laugh.

"Be quiet," David hushed. "We don't know who or what is in these woods."

"We're almost there guys," Henrietta announced. The sound of the peaceful stream soon faded into oblivion.

Vegetation faded into concrete, the sound of our steps echoed down the empty street of the small country town. A sign in front of us read, "WELCOME TO CATLIN, ILLINOIS! POP. 2,041". The population number had been crossed out in a dark red liquid, a large zero was next to it. I shivered as we crunched across broken glass. The stench of rotten bodies filled our noses. I gagged loudly, the black handkerchief around my neck quickly flew up over my mouth and nose.

"Well this is pleasant," Beau said covering his nose.

"Very," My dad said, his own handkerchief, that matched mine, up on his face.

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