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nash: i love you aaron!

aaron: i love you too!

(y/n): (ʘᗩʘ')

aaron: i love you too...

taylor: oh....things just got juicy *grabs the popcorn* keep going!

(y/n): wow, really? you love me "too" are yu serious?

aaron: i didn't mean it in a wrong way, i just said i love you too, implaying that i love you.

(y/n): WOW? OH MY GOD I AM SO HURT, my emotions, litterally emotocons can even show my expression right now!(ಥ﹏ಥ)

aaron: i just meant to say that i love nash like a brother and you like a girlfriend.

(y/n): so thats all i am to you a girlfriend?(ง'̀-'́)ง

aaron: what? WHAT?!!ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

(y/n): YEET b*tch got cha, i love you aaron!

aaron: i love you to-i mean i love you more!

taylor: aw....

nash: i love you too...SIKE, i used to, idon'tfuckwithyou!

(y/n): we don't need you anyways moe, f you, crew you!

aaron: exactly, we have each other! 

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