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I closed my umbrella and stepped through the slightly opened front door. The scent of mom's signature enchiladas filled up the hallway and went roaring up my nose, making my stomach speak to me. I haven't eaten since lunch, and whatever mom was cooking, I was drooling to get a taste.

 I walked into the kitchen to find mom and Mrs.Spencer sitting at the table giggling at something. I smiled as I sauntered through the kitchen and dashed straight for oven. When I opened it, the enchiladas were freshly made and waiting for me to gnaw down on, but when I reached my hand inside to take one, my mom reached over and slapped my hand out of the oven.

 "Those are for our guest tonight," She turned to Mrs.Spencer and grinned. I almost bursted out laughing because mom hates Mrs.Spencer.

 I rubbed my hand from the little heat that sprung on my hand from my mom's slap. "Who's our special guest?" I asked. My stomach was literally screaming 'feed me' at this point. I sat down and rubbed my stomach to calm her down.

 "Maura, she's coming back from Alaska tonight!" Mrs.Spencer's eyes lit up like New York City just at the break of dawn. "She said she can't wait to see everybody, especially you Savannah," She grinned.

 I hadn't seen Maura in over two years and for some reason I didn't seem as excited as I thought I would be when I actually heard it. I don't know why, but hearing it made my stomach twist more than it filled my stomach with joy. I like Maura, but just hearing her name makes me go, still.

 "Aren't you excited?!" Mrs.Spencer brought me back from my shock.

 I gave a fake smile and nodded. "Yeah, it's been so long," I didn't sound as excited as I thought because Mrs.Spencer's wide grin dimmed a little.

 "Have you guys talked at all since she left?" She asked.

 "No, she never gave a number or an email or anything like that. I'm sure if she did I would be talking to her everyday,"

 Her grin appeared again she got out of her seat. "I guess it's time to finish where you guys left off then, right?"

 I nodded and pressed my lips together.

 "Okay then," She finally removed her attention from me to my mom. "I'm going to go pick her up at the airport, now. Make sure those enchiladas are at my place by six," She put her hand on my moms shoulder softly and then walked out of the exit of the kitchen. Then we heard the front door slam.

 My mom looked at me and busted out laughing hysterically. "That lady is a trip," My mom got up and went to the oven to turn the heat down. "You didn't really seem too happy about Maura being back,"

 "I am," I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "But it's just that, Maura's, a bit--"

 "Outlandish?" My finished for me.

 "Exactly. It's just that, we didn't really leave off on the right foot, well, she didn't leave off on the right foot," I explained.

 My mom sat back down in her seat. "All I'm going to tell you is, you've known Maura since kindergarten, she practically lived here and her house was also your second home, whatever beef--"

 "Mom please don't say beef," I cut her off. Hearing her use modern lingo made me cringe.

 "Well, whatever altercation you guys have, can be settled. Build a bridge, and you and Maura can meet in the middle, got it?"

 "Aye aye captain," I saluted her. Then my eyes turned to the stove. "Can I please just have one," If I wasn't mistaken, I'm sure there was drool leaking from my mouth?

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