Tuesday, April 21st

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I woke up an hour before my alarm. I hadn't slept good at all last night. I had tossed and turned a lot and I kept waking up every hour or so. When I stumbled into the bathroom I cringed at the reflection in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and had dark circles under them. I thought, "Great!" I just hoped that today would be less stressful than yesterday.

I thought about going for a run but a look at my foot said I should probably take another day off, especially if I was going to be on it all morning again. I ate a quick bowl of instant oatmeal and took some Motrin. Then I went ahead and showered and decided to go ahead and go to the hospital. If I couldn't sleep I may as well make myself useful.

I started a load of laundry and left a note on the fridge for my mom to put them in the dryer when she got up. I told her that I was going into work early and that I was (hopefully) having lunch with Toni today. I also told her not to make plans for dinner because I planned to make it tonight.

I went through the drive-thru at Starbucks and got a venti coffee to help wake me up. When I arrived at the hospital it was only 0530 and it was blessedly quiet. There were hardly any cars in the staff parking lot and I had a good hour and a half before Mrs. Waltman's class and Joel arrived.

I went up to Labor and Delivery first to check on Penny. The nurse at the station said, "Well hey Cammie! What are you doing up here this early?"

I said, "Hey Ms. Peg! I just wanted to check in on a patient I tended to yesterday."

She said, "Sure honey. I heard that you and that Joel sure did a heck of a job. Does me proud."

I smiled and said, "Thanks! It was definitely an experience to remember. Hey, do you know where Mrs. Waltman's got the kids today?"

She snorted and said, "Kids... you're barely older than them yourself girl." She looked through her papers and said, "Looks like Joel's group will be here today and your group will be in Physical Therapy."

I said, "Ok thanks. Can you do me a favor?"

She said, "Sure thing, whatcha need?"

I said, "Can you ask around and find out what section needs some extra hands for about an hour this morning?"

She said, "Ha! That a trick question?!"

I laughed as I headed to Penny's room and said, "Maybe?" She just shook her head and waved me off.

I tried to go into her room quietly in case she was sleeping, but as soon as I turned around she said, "Hey Camden! How are you?"

I grinned and said, "Good. How are you and Cameron doing?"

She let out a soft laugh and said, "Much better than yesterday that's for sure!" When I walked over to him and ran my hand over his soft hair she said, "You can pick him up if you want."

I whispered, "I don't want to wake him up."

She snorted and said, "Trust me, you won't. He barely wakes up when it's time to eat."

I bent and gently picked him up and cradled him. He was so tiny and soft. I cuddled him and told Penny, "He really is beautiful. And, if he missed one feeding time I wouldn't worry too much, but I wouldn't let him miss two in a row. They'll generally let you know when they're hungry."

She smiled and said, "Yeah that's what Ms. Nora said." I walked over to sit on the side of the bed and she said, "So are you and that hottie Joel dating or what?" I looked up at her and she said, "Sorry! I'm sorry! I never think before I just speak. It's a curse of mine."

Camden Vaileحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن