The Tiny Girl (Short Story)

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The small girl ran from her thoughts, forever trapped in a land of snickering monsters. She didn't know where she was or why. She didn't even know how she got here. The only knowledge the small girl had of this terrifying place was that it was real. "Please! Somebody help me!" the young blonde screamed. Her tiny legs could only carry her so far for so long. She was running as fast as her tiny body would allow but even she knew it was not fast enough. As she ran and ran she heard the giggles and cackles creeping up from behind. Distracted by the noise, she tripped over a large tree root in the ground and fell down the muddy hill and deeper into the monsters' forest. She rolled much faster than she ran and barely managed to cover her tiny head and protect it from the rocks and sticks that cut at her tiny, pretty dress. She didn't protect her head well enough though, soon a large rock on the hill rushed towards her and the tiny girl was asleep. She awoke in a cave far too big for her tiny self and whispered in her tiny voice, "Hello?" All was silent for a moment, even the vast forest outside. Then, just as the girl relaxed she immediately tensed as a great big man stepped out and greeted her with a sad smile. "I'm sorry I brought you here. I didn't want to but... I had to. They said they'd take you away! I brought you here so they wouldn't and they're still going to and it's all my fault." The tiny girl ran to hug him but stopped. He promised they could help, he promised they were nice. Now he was lying again, of course he knew this would happen! The tiny girl began to cry and when the big man came to hug her she pushed him away, leaving him sitting silently in the shadows once more. They were coming for the tiny girl and the big man, there was no doubt about that. The tiny girl thought and thought but as the screeching laughter grew nearer and nearer to the cave, her hope faded. The tiny girl knew she would never get out of the forest and she would never save her tiny, tiny family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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