4 | Maris

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Maris watched Tameron's back as he turned her around another corner making it obvious he was headed for the building's back door and not the front entrance. Nobody had ever mentioned his name to her making it obvious that she needed to know more about the stranger arresting her, so she activated the Net Acces and started a search for him. The results were sparse, only a couple things were listed and Mariss only dared to match one of the results to the guy in front of her. An obituary about a guy called Vance Tameron - maybe his father. A follow up net search told her that Vance Tameron had died on the job - he worked as a Bounty Hunter. So poor little Galen followed his father's footsteps after he had died on the job.

"So, Galen," If he didn't treat her nicely, she didn't have to treat him nicely as well, "When did you decide to become a bounty hunter? Before or after your father got himself killed?" In a second his elbow pressed against her throat and his gun at her abdomen, pushing her against the wall. She could see his nose narrowing, his brows inching closer to each other and his mouth twitched. Maris' stomach sank but she lifted her chin; Truthfully, Tameron couldn't really hurt her, not in this building. 

"Firstly, I'm no Bounty Hunter, that's just the bullshit you people come up with to justify your failure – because, let's face it, we're much better trained than you and if you were as good as they all said, you'd already be an Agent like me and secondly... After. Now another word and I might shoot you in the knee," He let go of her and they kept walking.

 The net search found a couple of other Tamerons, none of them she was able to categorize. Then she checked if she managed to find any reports on him but she came up with nothing, which didn't surprise her. The Agency was strange and their Agents even more so.

They were usually sent out on their own, though they weren't officially called Bounty Hunters; However, everyone else did because all of them went after high priority targets that had gone rogue. It somehow made sense they sent him after her. The fact that he managed to stay on this job, even after five people had been killed, meant that he must be pretty good at it. However, no one really knew what made out a good Bounty Hunter.

Tameron, whose facial features had softened again and once again showed her his backside, lead her through a metallic door and into a van that waited there for the group. Behind the van she got led into were two more, and in front of it she could see two more that waited for them. She sat in the back with one police officer taking place on her left and another one on her right. Tameron took place in front of her and one cop sat on either side of him, filling out the back of the van completely. 5 in total, six including her – she still had to find a way out, and this might be her chance. But first things first, she had to get rid of those handcuffs. It would take them at least 40 minutes to get through the city to reach the prison. Tamron kept his eyes glued on her face, then his eyes slid to her cuffed hands and his lips formed a smile. Maris' forehead crinkled, her hands formed fists. Dickhead  Tameron raised an eyebrows ad stared at her eyes again.

So she waited for the next opportunity to beat her way out of this, because she would find the person responsible, and she would make them pay for this. In a couple of minutes the car would turn onto Temple Avenue, where the driver would probably speed up so as soon as the van turned onto Temple, she took her chance.

She leaped at Tameron and actually managed to send the smirking of his face with a fist though he didn't make a sound. Tameron wrestled her off of him easily but she had gotten a hold onto one of the cops hands and she used his hand to pull the trigger. Her handcuffs fell to the floor and Maris let out a victorious laugh. Tameron punched her in the face stopping her laugh and sent her to the floor. Immediately, Maris jumped back up and knocked out the officer next to her with a punch to the face and a knee to the abdomen while still easily dodging the clumsy blows coming from the other cops who grimaced.

She grabbed a cop by the collar smashing his head to the wall, his body made an ugly thumping sound when it hit the floor. For a second she was distracted and the leftover cop buried his fist in her side and grunt in pain as she kicked into the cops kneecaps sending him to the ground.

Everyone in this van must've been told not to use their guns and to get her to the prison alive. Which turned out to be good for her, because Maris really didn't like getting shot. 

The situation had gotten messy really quick.  Tameron tried to get to her only to be blocked by the cops standing in is way Making it easy for Maris to defend herself. If he had been alone with her, things might've not looked so good for Maris. Three cops were down already. Tameron stormed at her kicking the last standing cop out of his way. The officer went down with a grunt and didn't get back up again. Apparently Tameran realized that they were just an annoyance to him instead of a help. He swept  her  of her feet, taking both of them to the ground tried to pin her there. She managed to throw her knee in his side and he rolled over her but got right back up and went at her again. She tried to punch his face in but he got a hold on her elbow spinning her around almost dislocating her shoulder. He would have succeeded had she not have an enhanced skeleton. They were both falling down and getting back up again, rolling over each other until they were both covered in blood. Then someone fired another shot. One of the cops had tried to shoot her but missed and had instead hit the wall separating the back from the driver which must've made the already scared driver jump.

The car lost its balance and tipped over. For a couple seconds, everyone in the lost their balance and went flying then the van landed back on the ground. A shock went through it and Maris's side starting aching badly. Accidents were rare, but when they happen they were usually over fast.

Maris was pretty sure that the only reason why she didn't break every bone in her body were probably her numerous enhancement. But so did Tameron - the other cops weren't so lucky. However, she was quite sure that nobody had died today, luckily. 

Maris' side ached badly and she let out a groan, applying pressure to the pain's source. Her breath fastened and she dared to look down on her body registering a growing red patch.  She raised her head, pushing her upper body up from the floor and turned around on her knees. Her hand left a bloody handprint on the vans floor as she pulled her self up to her feet swaying slightly. For a second everything was a wild blurry mess then the objects around her got into focus again. Tameron lay groaning on the floor wildly blinking the she took her eyes off of him and she turned for the door gripping the floor next to her for support. Opening the door turned out to be easier than he had thought because half of it lay on the street behind them. The van still moved, but slowly.

Maris leaped out of the car, rolling on the floor but getting back up again immediately leaving a crimson imprint on the ground behind her. 

She loved her Enhancements because they kept her alive when she jumped out of a moving car. Even though the car  didn't move so fast anymore. Her bones did not break because they were made out of Titanium and she may bleed but her wounds would heal much faster than usual. Maris didn't have the time to check if Tameron followed her, because he probably did. Not knowing what Enhancement Tameron possessed urged her to move faster, to get as much distance between them as  possible so she stumbled to her left into a dark alley gripping the wall for support. Her pace fastened and when she looked back over her shoulder no one pursued her. 


Alright, here is the third chapter including the first right scene!

I Hope you like it.

Please tell me about any mistakes I've made, thank you guys!

And please, comment, vote share if you liked it :D :D

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