6 | Maris

27 3 10

They snuck through crumbling buildings, avoiding the bigger places were the government surely had surveillance cameras set up - to keep the citizens in line, have them watched. Even though the cameras wouldn't be able to scan their eyes, they would most likely recognize Maris' face. The hope, that Tameron tailed her alone, still hadn't left Maris, for she never wanted to face former colleagues of her's. The group strode around the city until the sun left their faces burned and stopped only when Chet winked them into a building. They walked inside, went up the stairs and settled next to a broken window observing the low roofs surrounding them. The sun had sunk low, hiding itself behind the skyscrapers in the distance, sending a single ray of light towards them every other second.

It was Nishi that sat down beside her, taking in the view for a second before he took off his backpack and pulled out a small laptop. Maris brows arched but he ignored her. Makeda strode over to the opposing end of the room where she sat down and crossed her legs, resting her head against the wall.

"We need to make sure they're not tracking you," she said

Maris turned her head observing Makeda, counted down from 5 and nodded. 

"As  if you know what I'm doing," Nishi whispered under his breath and let out a groan when a pebble hit the back of his head.

"I totally heard that, assbut," Nishi mumbled something that sounded like another insult to Maris but she kept her mouth shut. With one hand Nishi turned the little machine on his lap into a musical instrument, the clicking of the buttons filling every corner of the room, while his free hand roamed around in the backpack looking for something.  Maris filled her lungs with cold hair in a millisecond and her eyes opened wide as Nishi pulled out two little glass trays and two syringes filled with an odd yellow liquid. In the distance, Makeda let out a sharp laugh and a clapping noise. 

Heavy footsteps echoed from towards the stairs and Chet's head appeared in the room as he tucked his gun back into it's holster casting an angry look towards his sister before he strode over to Maris' side of the room. Letting out a sigh he leaned against the empty window frame where he crossed his arms and watched Maris.  He watched her as she eyed Nishi and the syringe - her nose crinkling more by second. Chet cleared his throat and Maris peeked up to him but he stared out the window again.

"So, tell us. What do you suspect is going on," right, she hadn't told them yet

"Well, simple. Someone had somehow managed to obtain my DNA," she tied her messy hair her into a high ponytail and then letting it fall over her one shoulder, "afterwards, that person somehow found a very rare, mythic device that let you copy someone's appearance and then the unknown person went on some very strange killing spree." Chet eyed her, took in every muscle in her face, causing Maris to shuffle uncomfortably.

Then Nishi thrust the syringe into her arm erupting a short and muffled scream from the cop.

"You little -" the rest turned into a whisper but Maris kept rubbing her upper arm and eyed the little hole in her jacket before taking it off to observe the wound in her arm, she had to squint to get a good look, though. Maris watched as the wound turned to live, closing itself shut.

"So, you don't even know if such a device exists?" Chet asked her, causing his sister to sneer. Maris' eyes were glued on Nishi, who had taken out another Syringe filled with the same yellowish liquid that he had injected into Maris. He let some drops fall onto the glass tray and then put another one on top of it before he put that into a slot on the computer's side.

Maris was good with guns and punching people, not with computers,to be honest, she was simply glad the worst part for her was over. Nishi kept on typing on his laptop and Maris eyed every move of him until she felt a little nudge on her lower back. She turned around peeking up at Chet who drew back his foot.

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