Chapter 3. Rajveer Singh

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My name is Rajveer Singh Gill, Rahul Khanna's best friend. And only child of my parents. I was an average student and a good mannered child, I believe. I wouldn't say I did whatever my parents told me to do like Rahul did. I was quite different and even my parents didn't expect that. Thinking in our family was way beyond spoon feeding the children when they were all grown up. My father thought if a child was left to make his own decisions he would become independent easily. I think he was right.

My mother was a house wife and a very sweet woman. She was usually busy with her things at home. She loved to maintain our lawn and her little kitchen garden. When I say lawn it doesn't mean we had a huge lawn in my house it was a small garden but a cute one and she loved to read too. We had a huge collection of books at home, all thanks to my dad.

My dad worked in Income Tax department. He made good money but not like Rahul's father who was a businessman. His father owned a huge furniture factory. But my family was quite happy with whatever we had. I wouldn't say I never felt I needed more money than I got as my pocket money, there were times I wanted to have lots of money so I could splurge on it and yes, there were times we were tight on money at home. But bad times come and go.

By the way, I was a theater actor which I still am. I love theater. I started theater when I was in school. I continued it in college too. My dad helped me with all that. My dad had also done theater when he was studying.

After saying bye to Rahul I came home. Mom was at home and was making tea. Dad had not arrived home yet. Mom called me "Raj".

"Yes mom! First tell me how do you always know I am home?" I asked her.

"Your bike is so quiet, baby, that's why? Now, tell me if you want tea?" she said smiling.

"Of course mom, Where is daddy?" I asked.

"He's on his way. He stopped to buy some fruit on the way. Tell me how was your day?" mom asked.

"It was good, there is a good news mom I found a girl who will write a script for a play for the annual fest." I said excitingly.

"Wow! That's a good news. Who is the girl?" mom asked.

"Remember we met dad's colleague in a party few days back and we also met his wife and daughter. That's the girl. She's my class mate." I explained.

"Mr. Dhillon's daughter? She's a very sweet girl." Mom said.

"Yes mom and her name is Geet. She writes. She was a bit hesitant to write but I convinced her. I am sure she'll be helpful." I was still very excited.

I heard dad's car on the gate. I rushed to open the gate. He was smiling. Usually he was like that whenever he came home. He was always happy to be home after his office.

I went to the car and took things he bought on the way, to the kitchen. "Quickly change your clothes tea is ready. We will have it outside in the lawn." She said to daddy while handing him a glass of water.

"Ok, I'll be there in 2min." he said lovingly to mom. The way my dad spoke to my mom I could feel how much he still loved her. Looking at them like that always made me happy and made me understand what a husband wife relationship was?

Dad was out in 2 min he loves to spend every single minute with me and mom. "You were at the lake, young man." Dad asked me.

"Yes daddy, how do you know? Were you there too?" I asked dad.

"No some friends were." Dad said. "They were there for a rehersal."

Then mom started to tell dad about Geet. Dad was happy to know that finally I found someone who can write a new play for me as I was complaining every year that I am doing the similar plays.

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