Chapter 23

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Sorry for the late update, been busy lately. Also, we are coming to an end. Not exactly sure how many chapters though. Hehe.

Any of you read the Selection Series of Kiera Cass? Got the copy of the last one (The Crown) and I'm rooting for #TeamKile. Who are you rooting for?

Chapter 23

Kyle drove me back at home before the sun had risen. But the lights were already present, meeting with the dark, creating that beautiful purple, pink and blue skyline.

We fell asleep on the blanket and woke up in each other's arms. It might've felt awkward at first but it felt warm and good. He woke up first and I jolt awake from the way his fingers had traced my face. It felt ticklish and sort of weird but still nice.

His revelation was something I hadn't expected. I actually expected him to deny it, but instead he hadn't. He was patient with me all this time, waiting for me everyday for 1 month and going home hopeless. I could only imagine how it might've felt for him.

If I was in his position I would've felt the same because fuck it, I love the guy. I still do. The way I felt with Jackson was different with the way I felt with Kyle.

Jackson was a guy who gave me good kisses and regular butterflies in my stomach. But with Kyle, he felt like home.

"We're here." Kyle groggily said, his voice husky from sleep.

I stare at him, his eyes were slightly puffy and sleepy all the same and his hair was in its sexiest mess of I-just-woke-up look. He got out of his car the same time as I did. We both were standing, facing each other. "Thank you for tonight, today, or everything." I told him, smiling awkwardly with the way he stared at me.

He surprised me with intertwining our finger together, like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. He kissed me on the forehead and smiled genuinely at me. "Anything for you."

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Can this guy get any sweeter? I sure was one lucky girl.

He smirked when he saw me blush and said, "We both should go now."

I nodded and waved him goodbye, tracing my fingers on the spot where he had kissed me on my forehead. I went back to the house, smiling.


I couldn't decipher what time it was because all I had known I was asleep on my bed straight away after I arrived. Someone was poking me on my shoulder and shook me slightly resulting me to jolt awake. Clearly it must've been important.

When I pried my eyes open, I saw one of our maids.

"Madam," she softly whispered but loud enough or me to here.

"Yes?" I groggily asked, my voice thick.

She bit her lip in apology, "I'm very sorry to disturb your sleep but someone is here looking for you."

I sat up from my bed, "who is it then?"

She shook her head lightly, "That I cannot say. He said it was urgent so I let him in."

"Okay, just let me dress up first. I'll be down in 10 minutes."

Ten minutes later, I had my hair up bunched into a ponytail, teeth already brushed and wore a robe to hide my nightie. As I headed downstairs I saw a familiar flash of blonde hair.

"Jackson?" I called him, unsure.

His head looked up, meeting my eye. When I reached the bottom of the stairs he quickly said, "Before you throw me out, hear me out first."

"I never asked of you to get out. I was just wondering if.." I trailed off, knowing he already got my point.

He released a shaky breath, "phew."

I quirked a brow at him, standing near by where he was but still keeping a safe distance.

Apparently he must've noticed I wanted him to already proceed so he  learned his throat first before he could speak. "Um, I'm leaving later for London. I just wanted to say goodbye. And that I still love you but I've accepted that you won't ever feel the same way about me again so I'm letting you go to find your happiness..with Kyle."

He offered a smile in which I returned. "He's a good man Kait but if he tries to hurt you, always know I'm here alright? I will fight for you." He walked towards me, touching my cheek. I leaned in, knowing it would've been the last time I was going to touch him like this.

"I'm sorry for everything Kait and I know this will probably be the last time I'll see you after a long time so I'm wasting no opportunity to talk to you."

I gave a slight chuckle, "what do you mean you won't see me in a long time? I'll be back in school."

He laughed and smirked. "We'll see about that."

Then he left after a while still leaving me puzzled as ever.


A little after 3 in the afternoon I sat cross legged on lazy boy chairs of our theatre room, watching suspense films after another.

One might think it was weird to watch suspense films at this our but not me. Not was I only a huge fan of romantic or romcom films, but I was also a huge fan of suspense films. And the film I have been watching was already my fifth one.

Just as I was about to know who the killer was, Keither barged in screaming, "I knew you were here!"

I covered my ears, somehow hoping to lessen the annoying shriek of a boy. "For fucks sake Keith, keep it down will you?!"

He plopped down next to my seat, causing a bounce of both our chairs. He scooped a handful of popcorn from my bowl, munching happily. I rolled my eyes at him, annoyed of his childishness.

"What do you want?" I asked, hoping he'd go out as soon as he finish what he was meant to ask.

He continued to munch on his popcorn, not hearing a thing I said. I slapped his arm, catching his attention. "Kait, it's not even thrilling yet." His eyes never left the screen, shrugging me off.

I picked up the soda and sprinkled him on his face. "What the fu-"

He glared at me and huffed, "what?"

I repeated the question, this time more slowly. "What are you doing here?"

The question seemed to take him back to reality, "oh," muttering under his breath.

"Rockley's is having their 2nd year today and we're both invited by Kyle. Party starts at 8 pm."

I nodded and realized, "why did Kyle invite us? Is he some kind of VIP?"

He nodded, "You didn't know? Kyle owns Rockley's. His dad anyway but he manages it this summer and he practically owns it now. He's gonna have the place soon."

Wait, what?!

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